Bloggers generally have plenty to say about beauty PR’s – some good and some not so, but where do the PRs get to say their piece, too? Right here on the Post The PR’s Wrote. All comments are genuine and have been kept anonymous to allow them to say what they really want to.
PR 1: “We don’t have a bottomless pit of products which causes frustration for both us and bloggers. I think people would be surprised to know how few products we actually receive here in the office – we really do have to make a little go a long way! I would love to be able to send out more products as of course we want as many people as possible to read about our products in all media forums.”
PR 2: “Some bloggers are very cheeky. You have the great ones who introduce
themselves and explain in detail about their site, the number of
visitors and what they look for in their blog. Usually they have used
the brand before liked it and interested in hearing about the latest
information. Then, on the other hand you have the other bloggers who
are the VERY cheeky ones. Hardly any introduction apart from the fact
they are a beauty blogger and want to call in a few products they
would like to try (and when I say a few I mean a few!)! No
introduction about their blog, no real interest about the brand or any
forthcoming launches etc, they just want what they have seen and want
to call it in. Its even more irritating when they don’t even give us
a link to their blog which is frustrating.”
PR3: What I love about working with bloggers:
“I totally agree there is less pressure working with bloggers. They are all so genuinely happy and grateful to be involved in launches so it’s really enjoyable to be part of the excitement with them.I love how even though I don’t expect bloggers to send me the links to their posts they do it anyway. I do feel that it’s the PRs job to read their blog and check for coverage but it’s great they do all the same. My favourite part of working with bloggers is their honesty! This is what makes PR interesting. If we lived in a world where everyone was scared to give their opinions then, well, it would be pretty boring world right…? However, there is a difference in being honest and nasty and luckily I haven’t experienced the nastiness and I hope not to.
The blogging world has greatly changed beauty land. I was working in Boots a couple of months ago for an in-store activity day and one of the consumers said to me that she wanted to check what the bloggers were saying before she bought the foundation. This just goes to show how influential blogs are and the direct link their posts have to the consumer.
How working with bloggers could be better:
I have found on a few occasions that I have sent out a lot of samples after a request and never received a post in return. I would NEVER expect a blogger to review a product without trying it first so I feel that this should work both ways. It’s like the saying: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” ;o))
All in all I really enjoy working with bloggers. They bring an element of excitement to the beauty industry as they are no only bloggers but they are also consumers so their opinions truly count and make a difference to the brand as I make sure that any concerns are passed on.”
PR 4: “I really enjoy working with bloggers. They are always excited, enthusiastic and welcoming which isn’t always the case with print media who occasionally seem jaded and blinded by a brand name (or advertising budgets) rather than appreciating each product on its own merits. The very nature of blogging means that beauty is primarily a hobby so bloggers have a genuine interest in everything Beauty, a wealth of knowledge and eagerness to learn more.
From a brand’s perspective I think blogs are a vital form of PR. Bloggers are so influential to the consumer as their voice is uncensored and unbiased. They are therefore trusted by a huge community of followers who hang on their every word of advice. Followers tend to be fellow beauty junkies and therefore very proactive in terms of purchasing. I think, and hope, that blogs will continue to grow both in number and influence. However, this shouldn’t be to the detriment of print media. I would like to see both types of media work in harmony in the future.
There are however a few complications to working with bloggers. The most difficult is dealing with bad reviews. News in bloggersville travels fast and a negative Twitter frenzy is a PR’s worst nightmare. However, in working with blogs PRs are fully aware that there is the chance that feedback may not be 100% perfect and the odd bad review is to be expected. PRs and their clients simply need to learn to manage these instances which, usually, are few and far between. Personally, as a blog reader, I enjoy and appreciate the refreshing honesty of blogs. I am glad our industry has a platform for open discussion and indulging beauty addicts’ habits.”
PR 5: “Working with beauty bloggers can be hugely satisfying, with intermittent bouts of frustration. I love to get responses to products from people who are not always knee deep in the beauty industry, it makes for refreshing and heartfelt reviews that from a PR perspective can really spark a fire and get sales moving. There are some seriously knowledgeable and savvy beauty lovers out there who deserve respect and to be followed. The downside is that not all behave as professionally as you’d like. Reaching out to the blogging world is like sticking your head above the proverbial parapet – be prepared to get shot down … but for me the opinion of the blogging community is priceless.”
PR6: “Brands have nowhere to hide with bloggers. If the product is crap, the claims are meaningless and the pay off isn’t there you WILL get found out. Honesty is the policy with most bloggers and I totally respect that no-bullshit attitude. Yes, some bloggers can hide behind the anonymity of it all but it means that brands have to hear the truth about their product if it isn’t up to scratch. There’s no pressure on editors to write good reviews or brands will pull advertising funds like what can happen in other media channels. That’s why our policy with blogger is open – we believe in our brand, our products don’t have unrealistic, magical claims but are just very high quality products. And I like that when we have faced an issue with a product, the blogging community instantly flags it to us. Plus, I’ve made some truly great friends who are just as nutty about make-up as I am!”
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