Bearing in mind that letters on nails is going to be a ‘thing’ these little stickers from NPW caught my eye.. along with the kittens and budgies! They’re so cute!

They’re not amazing quality but pink kittens on nails..? OMG! Actually in this pic I haven’t top-coated so I imagine with a couple of coats of clear top coat they’ll look much more settled into the nails – I’m wearing them here over 1D nail polish – and I never thought I’d have that sentence to write ;-). The stickers aren’t yet on the NPW site, but while I was browsing I came across the world’s biggest Never Do This – coming up in the next post.
NPW is just fun stuff – it’s not meant to be serious but the kitten stickers I can totally see being loved by little girls and grown-up girls!
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