Philosophy Snow Angel is practically a Christmas tradition in our house. I’d describe it as sweet, clean and green – a crisp smell that’s infused with some sugar so when you smell it, it does kind of trigger a snow memory.
All the Philosophy shower products are three in one – shampoo, shower gel or bubble bath. Personally, I prefer it as bubbles in a hot, steaming bath and I’d probably only use it on my hair as an emergency although I rather like the idea of my hair smelling a bit of snow!
The bottom line is that Philosophy Snow Angel puts you in the right mood to feel all the best things of winter – I know I’ve spoken about how Christmas isn’t the same for everyone and for many it’s not a big blast of joy, but just celebrating winter is sometimes enough to help you feel warm on the inside even when it’s freezing on the outside.
Although it’s hard to find the good in winter, there are some pleasures. For me, it’s coming into my warm home from being outside and just flopping on the sofa with a blanket, it’s feeding the birds in my garden, it’s being excited when snow looks imminent even though it’s going to cause no end of slippery trouble! Winter good things also include making hot chocolate an essential, finding good soup recipes and serving with hot, buttery bread and the joy of my dogs forgetting they’ve ever seen snow or heavy frost before and being unreasonable confused that things aren’t exactly the same as they were yesterday.
I’d love to know your winter pleasures!
Snow Angel is £12.50 HERE.
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