Swit swoo! No wonder the Paul & Joe Body Fragrance Collection is a Harrods exclusive! It’s a gorgeous, sturdy duck egg blue with golden and white detail. But prettier still is what’s inside.

The Paul & Joe Body Fragrance Collection comes in two scents, Falling Star (mandarin, orange and rose) or Bright Moon (orange and lavender) and while the fragrances are not overpowering, I’d describe them as pretty; fruity floral notes that aren’t out of place no what your fragrance taste. As you can see, there’s a body lotion, a soap (described in the press release as ‘moon shaped’ which I thought was really funny – aka wheel shaped, clock shaped or anything else round shaped – suggestions please!) and the prettiest little soap dish all in an off-white colour. If you’re ready to consider gifting, this is the one to give to someone who you’re never quite sure what they like, because I can’t see anyone not loving this!
The Paul & Joe Body Fragrance Collection is £32.
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