So, finally the rumours of a Pat McGrath make up range have amounted to something! Pat McGrath is releasing 1000 units of Pat McGrath Labs Gold 001 – a pure golden pigment that you can add to anything you want – think lip gloss, body lotion, creme shadows or blush.

Pat McGrath Gold Pigment is the teaser product of a fuller range said to be launching next year. Make up Artists are in the best possible position to create the perfect products – they’re so hands-on with make up all the time that fine tuning existing cosmetics to suit their purposes better is second nature to most. I’m desperate to know what’s coming next (I can’t say that I have a lot of desire or use for a pure gold pigment) – her work with Max Factor and Dolce & Gabanna gives us an idea of her aesthetic (for example, D&G is alllll about gold and colour experimentation) and I think it’s going to be all things exciting. There are very few new make up brands that can make it in this crowded market, but because it’s Pat, one of the most revered make up artists in the world, I can’t see it being anything other than a success.
So, if you want to have a chance at the Pat McGrath Gold Pigment, it’s $40 (ships internationally) and my advice is to get on the wait list HERE right now.
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