If you have so far resisted beauty crackers, then these might just break your will. However, in a little quirk of language trickery, the *surprise twist* is that you, er, untwist them rather than pull them. Disappointingly, there isn’t actually a surprise twist in the crackers which would have been rather exciting I think. And to be pedantic, there’s nothing much in the surprise department about having to untwist a cracker. #justsayin
What you do get inside is a travel size Origins skin goodie – Clear Improvement Active charcoal mask, Modern Friction Nature’s gentle dermabrasion, Make a Difference Rejuvenating hand treatment, Made a Difference Rejuvenating treatment, Drink Up Intensive overnight mask, Ginger Burst, Ginger Souffle Whipped body cream, a joke and a head-band (handy for the body cream, *coughs*).
But, they are prettier than most with properly useful products – I like Origins skin care so if I was buying beauty crackers, I’d begin here. The crackers are £45 HERE.
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