OPI Fifty Shades of Grey

OPI Fifty Shades of Grey

Interesting! At the same time as OPI releases information on their forthcoming Fifty Shades of Grey collaboration to the trade press, MUFE are releasing details on their Fifty Shades of Grey make up collection. Some serious licensing deals going on here.

MUFE Fifty Shades of Grey
MUFE Fifty Shades of Grey

The OPI line up is released in January ahead of the film and features any and every shade grey as well as a wicked looking red. I love a creme grey so Embrace The Grey is looking like the one for me. There was a lot of room to go tacky in this collection, but the names are actuall very cool – Shine for Me, Dark Side of The Mood and My Silk Tie. It’s going to be interesting to see whether fans of the books can see a connection between wearing grey nails and living the fantasy. It’s all down to the power of suggestion, like the books apparantly! (I’ve never read them.)

MUFE couldn’t resist the tack – Desire Me, Tease Me, Give In To Me – I’m exhausted already. But, they haven’t gone with the obvious of lots of shades of grey. They’ve been a little bit more creative, but bottom line of it is that it’s only an appropriate-to-the-subject named range tied up in a silky looking bag from what I’ve seen.

With various 50 Shades licenses up for grabs, it’s going to be interesting to see who’s trying to tie what to the film. I’d love to see Walkers Crisps do it 😉 . Fifty shades of grey crisps is something I NEED to see. Any other ideas?


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13 responses to “OPI Fifty Shades of Grey”

  1. mandym105

    I never read the books either but that OPI collection is seriously appealing…

  2. I did NOT see this coming? I have no idea why, but I didn’t think it would seriously attract mainstream beauty attention!


  3. Alex

    Surf laundry detergent have a 50 Shades limited edition! It’s “Sexy Rose & Jasmine” scented and comes in a grey bottle. I think it might have some kind of ’50 washes’ pun but I can’t remember – I picked a bottle up in Sainsburys before replacing hastily on the shelf. It smelt quite nice but I just couldn’t bear the thought of someone seeing it in my cupboard and the p*sstaking that would inevitably ensure….

  4. Loving the 50 Shades… and the little red one sneaked in there too I see!!

  5. Kate

    I’d be up for picking up the OPI collection. I’m a huge fan of the books and the story being told… I’m not talking the continuous steamy sessions either, lol. x

    Kate | A British Sparkle

  6. Dominique

    Beautiful OPI collection, the book is really very very bad and sexist to the most, noxious IMO especially for young girls ( it is supposed to be a love story, oh is it ? ), but the fact is that OPI always launches very pretty collections whatever the source of inspiration. ” 50 shades of grey ” sounds so perfectly well for makeup collections !

  7. strikkelise

    A Norwegian clothes chain launched a collection of lingerie named after the book series earlier this year. Shudder.

  8. Karen

    I’ll definitely be looking for this when it arrives. Thanks for posting. I shared your link on twitter.

  9. love the opi shades!

  10. Love the OPI shades… Im a Shallac wearer so never get to try normal varnish anymore 🙁 The dark grey and red look fab!
    Karen x

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