Oh, uh…Ewww.

Here’s one I won’t be trying anytime soon.

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11 responses to “Oh, uh…Ewww.”

  1. miss_waterlily

    I heard about them too…It sounds gross to me too lol

  2. Jo

    Oh god.. thats just wrong.

  3. DINKY

    Check out that rose. ‘The Placenta’ sponsored by the Labour Party?!

  4. Strikkelise

    Ewww… But what is it? Looks a little like After Eight in an, er, different coating?

  5. Anonymous

    what is it?? =/

  6. sorry Anon, I don’t know. my Korean isn’t what it should be..

  7. LittleMiss

    Completely gross…..but only 3.6 calories!!

  8. Strikkelise

    I used Google Translate on the-placenta.com, and it came up with this, amongst other disturbing quotes:

    “Placental extract. Components include help maintain health and beauty, in recent years are now attracting attention as high-end cosmetic material supported by the charisma of their beauty.”

    “The delicious rose flavored jelly suppressed placenta-specific smell, the luxury of the mind can produce.
    Recommended for those who wish to eat the placenta easily.”

  9. Beauty Scribbler

    Gross!! Have you watched the film “Dumplings”?… the story is based on something like this…

  10. Anonymous

    Btw, that is Japanese, not Korean.

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