I get all unaccountably happy when I get sent a decent hand wash; the one I’m using at the moment, which will remain nameless, is so over-sweet and synthetic that I can’t stand it another minute. So the package containing Rhubarb Rhubarb from Noble Isle couldn’t have come at a better time because I love rhubarb! Actually, you couldn’t accuse Rhubarb Rhubarb of being overly sweet – the scent is cut with juniper berry and rosemary, but in a very mild way. The result is a true scent of fresh rhubarb and not a rhubarb pie! It’s lovely and I’d highly recommend as a treat-to-self. As proof of the point, John Lewis on-line are all sold out of this one. Find it HERE for £18. Also, check out the Whiskey & Water Handwash.. never seen anything like that before!
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