No More Dermatologists

I mentioned a little while ago that I have a skin condition called cold urticaria but annoyingly I have a couple of other skin issues going on – nothing major; skin rashes etc. I gave up trying to get a diagnosis about a year ago as the NHS just makes it too hard (i.e. they took a bucketful of blood for testing but threw it away when they realised they didn’t have the right tubes to put it in and didn’t bother to tell me. The one tube they did have they tested and called me in urgently to see the doctor who told me my cholesterol was a bit high) but had a final attempt after a long break today when I went to see a dermatologist, privately.  It’s quite easily the most pointless and bizarre thing I’ve ever done, and I’m blogging it because I don’t know what else to do with it.

After hearing the symptoms Dr Stupid decides I have a Harm Avoidance personality and that explains it all. He’s all ready to let me leave after three minutes when he suddenly grabs my arm and starts drawing a hash mark on my arm with a metal pen, so hard he cuts my skin. He wants to see if goes red. Erm, yes it bloody well does. But not, apparently, red enough for severe urticaria. I point out that I haven’t really had any satisfactory answers from him and he asks me how long it’s been since I saw my parents. I say three weeks and he says he once had a patient that didn’t see hers for nine years. I don’t really know what to say. So, to break the awkward silence he asks me my job. I say I’m a journalist – he comments that it would be very stressful if someone stole my story. That could bring me out in a rash if I’m a sensitive type. 
At this point, after glancing at the nonsensical diagrams he is drawing to illustrate a mast cell (which he tells me to look up on line) I start laughing because I almost think there must be a hidden camera. He asks aloud why I’m getting ‘distressed’. I don’t say because he is a mad old sod but I do say again, that I don’t think we are really getting very far. At this point, he has a ladybird crawling up his leg. So he looks – out of courtesy as far as I can tell – at another rash issue I have and gives it a medical term. I say, what does that mean and he says it means it is round and red. At this point I do actually lose it a bit… I effing well know it is round and red. That is NOT news. He tries to rectify the situation by asking if I’ve eaten a prawn recently or been in contact with ticks.
I might as well have been to see an electrician for all the use he was. He finally nails it for me by a) assuming I’m married (which I am) and b) rambling on that if I was sitting on a beach with my husband he thought the thing that I would most like to hear from my husband is that I’d been appreciated and valued. 
I leave.

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31 responses to “No More Dermatologists”

  1. Charlie

    This is not only bizarre, but a little bit alarming to read. I hope you’re ok after that, I’d be freaked right out!

  2. jen

    What? The? F*ck?

    I am without words, and that never happens.

    Sorry this happened to you. 🙁

  3. That’s the most bizarre thing I’ve ever read and can only assume it was more so in real life.

    Did you pay this Charlatan?

  4. Oh Lord. What an awful experience! Are you sure he was licensed?! I’ve seen dermatologists privately a couple of times in the past (thanks to employer healthcare!). I went to The Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth in St John’s Wood and they were amazing I must say. Suppose it’s a bit pot luck!

  5. missy_ellie_uk

    Hmmm. Very strange. Did he have frustrated desires to be a psychologist, perhaps?

    The only dermatologist I’ve ever seen (NHS) was when I was concerned about a cyst growing on my face – he essentially told me to piss off because some of his patients had skin cancer, and I should be grateful I didn’t. They obviously missed out the ‘bedside manner’ module in the training of these two.

  6. Wow *_* happily all dermatologists aren’t like him (I hope so!). I’m a vet and I have to admit that there must be some kind of people in my job. But I think it’s serious because some of his patients may suffer from his incompetence. Do you have an authority for doctors in UK? Some kind of regulation council? If you have, I think you have to report this guy.

  7. I don’t even know what to say.. What a complete idiot!!
    Such a waste of your time!

  8. OMFG I am lost for words!

  9. O M G – is all I can say! :S

    JEEZE :/

  10. Ali

    So after what sounds like some half-assed “testing”, mister man decides it wasn’t something you ate or something you’ve come in contact with. Ergo, it must all be in your head.

    I’m surprised he didn’t pat your head and say “there, there dear” as he sent you out the door, quids lighter.

    Cripes, the whole idea of private consultation is to get results. I’m sorry you got a dud. I hope you can find a doctor who’s competent and prepared to take you seriously.

  11. Blimey, what a moron; he sounds like a Dermatologist caricature. I know of a really good Derm if you haven’t been put off for life? x

  12. Thanks everyone.. I’ve been trying for over 3 years to get somewhere.. I really think I have to let it go and live with it. It seems the easier option quite frankly!

  13. This person does not sound like a real dermatologist. He sounds like a psycho. I recommend reporting his behaviour to college of physicians (or whatever its called in Britain). Your situation sounds so scary. That is not the actions or behaviour of a professional doctor.

  14. VexintheCity


  15. cornflakegirl

    WTF? And this guy is seriously qualified to treat people, that’s just appalling.

    I’m with Niche here, I’d report him to be honest.

  16. Ms Red


    And then people wonder why I dislike medical people

  17. You have Harm Avoidance personality? Is that’s a thing to be concerned about because I suspect I have it too. Are most people very keen on Harm?

    Seriously – how much did this nut cost?

  18. They must have been passing out degrees at a 2 for 1 sale. Become a dermatologist and get a psychology degree free! What a quack. Great blog post though!

  19. lady jane grey

    The story is LOL funny. But I assume you had to pay for the appointment. And then it’s not funny at all.

  20. Jian

    Oh dear, that doesn’t sound like a very good experience at all.

    I think it is very hit and miss with dermatologists, and all doctors. I have seen a fair few seeing NHS patients, and their practice makes me cringey! Others on the other hand are actually helpful. but that number is really small. I’m also not sure how much they can actually help. They can just describe the way the skin looks in funny latin words and give you a cream for it the most of the time. There’s a saying for dermatology: the principle is ‘if it’s wet, dry it, if it’s dry, wet it.’ and a junior doctor working in dermatology added ‘if you haven’t got a clue, just give them steroids’

    Sound about right?

  21. Holly Harps


  22. Anonymous

    Unreal!! I’m with everyone else here in that I would report that experience to whatever licensing body he reports to. Otherwise he will continue on being utterly rubbish and others will have the same ridiculous experience you did. Hope you aren’t too freaked by this, I know I would be!!

  23. Jan

    How awful for you – you have my deepest sympathies, but please do not give up. My daughter developed a enlarged and engorged blood vessel right in the middle of her chin – like a comedy spot, and not great when you are 15. We went to our GP and were referred to a Dermatologist who was kindness and realism personified. He promised nothing, but said he would do his best to get my daughter referred to have this removed but with current NHS cuts….but she had it removed just before the start of this school year. Delight all round. Don’t give up, unfortunately it is often the squeaky wheel that gets the attention. x

  24. Jenny

    Complain. Please complain. I don’t actually know who the right people to complain to are, though there are certainly multiple available options, but please, please, for everyone’s sake, complain!

  25. I dislike dermatologists too…Perhaps you could go the naturopath way…I think holistic types are more open to exploring unusual conditions and are less likely to accuse you of having psychosomatic afflictions…

  26. I am sorry, but Harley Street does have some weirdos! Good luck in finding a decent Derm!

  27. I am as suspicious as some other commentators about this dermatologists credentials. There are only about 200 dermatologists in the UK and all the ones I have ever met have been highly professional and very knowledgeable. I suppose it is not totally impossible that one of them is an idiot, but I think it is more likely that this guy was some kind of charlatan. I certainly find the advice to look up mast cells on-line a most astonishing thing for a medical professional in any speciality and at any level to come out with. Dropping a note to your local trading standards office might be appropriate.

  28. I am sure you know about Dr Nick Lowe ( the one with his own range at Boots), his fees are high, but when I saw him he was pretty good, have you tried him?

  29. That sounds…just insane. One of the most bizarre things I have read for a long time.

  30. This is absolutely ridiculous. Was that person supposed to have a medical degree?! I’m sorry you had a bad experience… my own experience with a dermatologist was completely different and he saved me from getting adult chickenpox scars on my face w/a very simple and affordable skincare regimen…

    The thing with all health professionals is, they often deal with a very fragile side of us (because we are so vulnerable when we are ill), and sometimes they don’t have the human skills needed.

  31. Wow, he sounds appalling! I am so glad you posted this though as I’ve been battling with skin conditions for the past couple of years (rashes, extreme dryness, extreme sensitivity, scalp issues) and though I have only been to NHS peeps (too poor for private!) they have been just as useless. The first one I went to was seeing me for a completely different issue (which had already cleared up) to what I really needed paying attention to. She scraped my arm too and said, when it didn’t calm down after ten minutes that I clearly have super sensitive skin. Well hello, I know that!

    About a year later (it took this long for the doctor to listen and for them to get around to booking me in) I saw someone at Lewisham hospital for the scalp problem. The guy was lovely, did a biopsy and agreed there was a real problem but he wasnt sure what, but when I went back for the results (4 months later) I had the most uncaring woman I have ever met, tell me to ‘eat more iron’ and use a gentle shampoo. I cried right in front of her so she sent me off with steroids and that’s that. It isn’t better and it’s affecting me every day but I kind of give up.

    I’m hoping next time I go I can find someone like the guy who listened to me, as it seems that with all this stuff it’s a complete lottery on whether you get someone who wants to help you or someone who’s just there to do their day job and make it through to lunchtime. Or in your case just a complete fruitloop!

    Hope you sort your skin issues out!xxx

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