If you ever wonder if people really collect Nivea tins, I can confirm that they absolutely do! I have a Rihanna Nivea Tin that I can’t let go – it’s in my ‘save forever’ drawer, so these Nivea Zodiac Collector Tins will disappear in quick time I should think. They’re 30ml so exactly the right size for travel – and that’s where they’ll be sold, in travel retail.

I think they’re really very cute – I’m going to be looking out for a Capricorn to sit by my Rihanna (I think it’s only in beauty that that sentence could possibly make any sense whatsoever!). The Nivea Zodiac Collector Tins are 2 euros each so if you thought you were out-priced on beauty collecting, think again. The run of tins is 75,000 – not a lot when you think about the number of places in the world that Nivea is sold so I actually think they could be quite hard to find.
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