This is just a tiny selection of samples that I have here that ALL look the same! The pots above are all from different brands and yet, the old black lid on a clear pot is significantly a theme. Product prices above range from £15 to £1.
I’ve seen a couple of new brands that haven’t launched yet but guess what? Black lids and clear glass pots. They look exactly the same as just about every other brand out there and my heart sinks for them. I know what they’re trying to do – which is what virtually every brand would like to do – and that’s look like MAC or NARS but they don’t, because it’s not the pots that MAC and NARS use.. it’s the fact that they’re MAC and NARS.
Packaging is so important and the use of generic pots gives no point of difference whatsoever. Why, as a new brand, would you think, “hmm, I think we’ll do our exciting new range in exactly the same packaging as ever other range out there.” I just don’t get it. It’s dull, far too safe and not really giving consumers a fair idea of what the product inside might be like. If your products don’t look different to a million and one other products then why would people buy them? I think new brands get a little bit obsessed with the ‘quality of the product, the pigments, the longevity, etc’ which is all well and good but wrapping it up in a generic, same-old, pot doesn’t entice anyone. And, I might say, it makes PR-ing the products a nightmare. Imagine being the picture editor on a magazine trying to make your page look lovely and you’re faced with yet another black-lid pot.
There’s a similar theme with new skin-care brands. It’s going to sound very harsh to say that the world and its wife can make a lavender salve at the kitchen table and pop it in a little tin pot. I can’t tell you the number of these that I see and without a point of difference I really struggle to find something to say about them, much as I want to support new brands. All the base ingredients are sourced from the same place and I know exactly what happens. Each little brand thinks they’ve found the ultimate miracle balm, without realising that so has everyone else!
If there has ever been a time to think about the packaging before you even consider what to put in it, it’s now. The skin care market is flooded and so is the make-up market. If you want there to be room for you, step it up.
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