Name To Watch: Veronique Simon

In the world of facial enhancements, skin perfecting and complexion rejuvenation, Veronique Simon is about to become London’s latest beauty guru.

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6 responses to “Name To Watch: Veronique Simon”

  1. Anonymous

    Hey beauty insider, help please. I am trying to trace a face cream that I have used for many years but am now failing to find any more. It’s called Crème SIMON and it contains glycerin. I’m in my 60’s and this is a cream that my mother used before the war so it goes back a long way. I used to buy it in French Pharmacies but haven’t found any for ages. Do you know anything about it ? Look forward to your answer.

  2. Hello there – sorry to tell you that this creme is long gone: you are right that it was French and developed in the 1860s I believe: therefore it is likely to be a ‘cold cream’ type. a traditional cold cream would typically contain glycerine, beeswax and castor oil, so you would probably find what you are looking for in a jar of Ponds. Hope that helps. You might be interested to know that there are ‘vintage’ posters available of the old Creme Simon ads!

  3. Hi there,

    we got the product line of Veronique Simon just freshly in our shop, so i could do a first test to the most products. I like the natural appearance of the products, most of them have a thick texture and are in a brown tone (caused by the plant extracts).
    Well, i tried the lift peeling and it has felt just awesome. Sadly i cant test it in a long term, but i think this could be a cosmetic which actually will have results.

  4. shirin tabibzadeh

    Hello there, thank you for letting people express their opinion here at your web site. I just wanted to ask you to be careful about quoting Dr. Veronique Simon. I don’t think she knows what she is doing, I don’t care how famous she is.

    I have been to her London office in June this year for some routine procedure for my skin. I think it is called “fil d’ore” in French. She told me that she is going to do something that will last for 5 years and will take one month to go into effect. After a month, she said, your face starts to create collagen and there you go!! Then without telling what she was doing, she started injecting something! into my face. She stuck God knows how many needles and God knows what those liquids were.

    Obviously there was no immediate change, I could understand. She asked me to go to her office a second time which I went 2-3 days later. Again she injected whatever it was to my face for one hour, when done, she did not even take the time to clean the blood from my face. When I went out my daughter was waiting for me outside, she just said “oh my god what did she do to your face?” I still thought maybe it works later. I started to have several bumps on my face the next day . I called her office, her assistant asked VS, she recommended some cremes which I immediately used. I thought maybe it will be fine after a few days. I had to come back to the US. It got even worse; bruises/yellowish color/and bumps all over my face. For almost a month I could not leave the house. She charged me $3300 for that. I was so frustrated, did not know how to get rid of those bumps. I contacted her assistant, again recommended the same creme which did not help at all. I contacted her several times and asked her to give my money back, but she never responded and once that she did respond, asked me to go back to her, and that she will do something about it, which of-course I did not and could not spend thousands of dollars on top of that.

    1. zejohn

      Good afternoon everyone, I would like to concur with Shirin above, I know someone who’s gone through the same problem as Shirin just metioned. I just hope for her she doesn’t get the same result as this person in her blog:

      I’m sorry britsih beauty blogger to post this here, but i would just be careful when talking about Docteur Veronique Simon as she’s been taken to court several time in France vis a vis her “injections”. The person in this blog actually won against her. It’s currently in French but will soon be translated to english. For now the pictures speak for themselves.

  5. Regarding Shirin’s comment: I have not checked for a response from Veronique Simon’s office. I’ve published because she is allowed to have her say but as a rider I must say that there is no proof that I have physically seen that Veronique has behaved in any way inappropriate. Therefore, please be advised that the above comment should be read with consideration that we have no actual facts and nor has Veronique had the opportunity to confirm any of the above.

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