I have to say a little bit about my companions on this trip (which has not been without incident, let’s say!), Megan and Clio.
This is Megan from www.dailymakeover.com
and it’s her first trip to Europe, never mind Italy! She is one of the most organised people I’ve ever met, is loads of fun, has a potty mouth when she wants to, loves wine and says ‘super-nice’ a lot! It’s been amazing to be with her and she has brought so much to the trip. Without her navitagional skills, I would still be at the entrance of Cosmoprof trying to find the way in.
And now Miss Clio Make Up, a true celebrity in Italy. Even as I’m writing this, people are taking photos of her, stopping beside the booth and forming a queue to meet her. She has already done a meet and greet for over 100 people earlier today – all of whom bring her gifts of ear-rings, cookies, cheese and letters. Her YouTube channel is an internet phenomenon and here, everyone knows who she is. She lives in New York (thankfully, because this girl can’t move in Italy without being stopped, photographed or autograph hunted) and is starting a career in make up artistry. She’s also been delightful company, despite the entourage!, always smiling and has a wicked sense of humour.
I genuinely feel I lucked out with my companions for this trip, so thank you ladies, for being terrific company and new blog friends.
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