I get beside myself when people sneeze at me on the train or cough in my face – I can’t stand being ill (well, who can?) and while I’m very much not a germ freak, it does bother me enough that if I’m travelling – even just commuting – I wash my hands every single time I can. But if you’re stuck on a plane the loo queues are soooo long (especially long-haul) that it’s not always possible. I haven’t always got along with anti-bac hand products but Mrs White’s Take Flight is natural and organic and the alcohol part of it is actually Vodka (note to self: don’t drink it no matter how desperate) and along with a big slug of lavender and aloe, it’s safe to say that it’s a preferable option to the chemically laden, skin drying kinds of sanitizer. It’s £15 at Roullier White, HERE.
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