
I am very close now to moving across to WordPress; with the help of techie friends I am very hopeful that I can take my GFC readers with me.

However, because I am an eternal worrier, I wanted to make alternative suggestions just in case! Firstly, personally I use Blog Lovin to follow other blogs and have had not one jot of trouble with it. It’s a great place to bank up the blogs you love to follow and have a daily catch-up. I cannot think of a single complaint about it. If you want to use Blog Lovin to follow BBB, my page is HERE

I’m also downloadable onto Kindle HERE.

The other way to ensure a regular supply of BBB (if indeed, that is what you’d like!) is to subscribe via the feed (Subscribe Box) on my blog and you’ll get a daily dose of moi into your inbox every morning. It also means that when I finally work out how to use Feedblitz properly, I can send special offers and news to subscribers. 

But, it’s totally up to you: my absolute main concern is not to lose a single GFC follower..I have been so grateful to have the followers that I do, and quite genuinely, it is the nicest thing to go to my blog in the morning and see the GFC pictures on my blog – lots of smily faces – all very much appreciated. So this is kind of a precautionary post, ya know.. just in case 😉

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5 responses to “Moving…”

  1. Hope the move goes as smoothly as it can. I make sure I follow you (and my other favourite blogs) on GFC AND bloglovin, just incase anything should go wrong!!! So I think I’ve got all bases covered!

  2. *crosses fingers for a safe move* Will be waiting 🙂 Hope you will use disqus then you can track those trolls.

  3. I think it’s an exciting new chapter for you!

  4. Someone shared this link with me, so that I could bring GFC onto my wordpress blog. Worth a try?

    I’m going to give mine a go in a bit

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