More Dior! The Celebration Multi-Use Palette

This is exactly the kind of beauty thing that gives me a real surge of energy and a boost to sometimes flagging enthusiasm! I love this.. I’d be thrilled to open it on Christmas Day – or any other day for that matter. It’s a properly multi-functional palette that’s good for a variety of looks, it feels and looks like a truly luxury treat and it’s as near as I’m going to get to an actual Dior bag or purse. All boxes ticked. It’s £59 from the end of October.


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4 responses to “More Dior! The Celebration Multi-Use Palette”

  1. Adorable palette! And so many uses as well! I’ll definitely be looking out for this. Thanks for the info 🙂 xo

  2. Love at first sight! I need one of these in my life. I’m not usually a fan of palettes like this either!

  3. Broodon

    All real women should have it!

  4. Anonymous

    I came *this close* to picking one up for a 3-week trip over these holidays. the included luminizer product is fabulous & I ended up with one of those from the DutyFree, instead (*shock* the Dior rep said to use the 3 tones as ‘all together’ like Meteorites. *huh?* miss the point much?)
    what stopped me from getting the palette?
    1. when will Chanel take a breather with the hyper frosty/pearly/metallic shadows? I just ask for *one* coordinated matt for the crease, is that too much to ask of a travel pallette? if your eyes are a bit crepey with aging, they look like hell
    2. the zipper: its an impending manicure obstacle course, (unless you do everything with our knuckles). imagine being in a hurry to get out the door & snarling off a nail…

    that Dior palette was perfect, but for the 2 points above…

    ~ BlueBerry Pick’n

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