Models Own Car Keys Vs Chanel Khakis

Right to Left: MO Becca’s Brown, Chanel Khaki Brun, MO Purple Ash, Chanel Khaki Rose

Right to Left: MO Becca’s Brown, Chanel Khaki Rose, MO Grace Green, Chanel Khaki Vert

Okay, well you’ll see by the swatching that the Model’s Own Car Key collection – god love them for that name – is not quite the amazing dupe we’d been hoping it would be. That said, other than the green which feels a bit last season, I absolutely love the Model’s Own shades as a good, and budget friendly, twist on the style theme and will happily wear them all. Funnily enough, the best match is Chanel Khaki Rose and Model’s Own Becca’s Brown. In terms of texture and look, Chanel is a bit thicker and just generally more luxy (as you’d expect) on application, but the shine result is the same for both.

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14 responses to “Models Own Car Keys Vs Chanel Khakis”

  1. Grace London

    I think I like the Model’s Own Green (I need it for the name!) better than the Chanel one.

    The name of the collection is hilarious.

  2. Jo

    Ahh. I was epxecting MO Grace Green to be more similar to Khaki vert. Its toally different though and a lot more jade coloured. Which I have a lot of in my collection. Bit dissapointed 🙁 knowing me I’ll probably still buy it though ha.


  3. I still like the look of Khaki Vert but for the others I like Model’s Own.
    Car key collection sounds kinda cute.

  4. Love the play on words Models Own, shame about the colour match ;o(

  5. TerrieBerrie

    🙁 i thought as much..names aren’t as funny now that they’re basically nothing like the khaki collection anyway…although one thing’s for sure khaki brun is not a nice colour!! khaki vert and MO purple ash are clearly the winners here in term of wearability. MO becca’s brown is so similar to Barry M mushroom for me to make the purchase on this one 🙂


  6. Anonymous

    Not really dupe-worthy, but I LOVE MO Purple Ash anyway ♥!

    Greetings from Germany,


    love the name, hate the colours – of both the MO polishes and Chanels!

  8. pelininstyle

    Purple ash is very good indeed:)

  9. Tory

    Dayum… I was hoping my purse’s dreams had been answered. Oh well… Essie Sew Psyched it will be! Better formula anyway 🙂

  10. Stylishly yours

    That’s a shame! Great post, well said. MO collection is a good attempt anyway.

    Lacquer Boudoir

  11. Kaushal – BeautyFulfilled

    After MO’s Paradoxal dupe I had high hopes for their ‘Car Keys’ collection but the colours seem to be very off from the Chanel Khaki ones! My favourite has to be Chanel Khaki Vert!

    Kaushal xx

  12. esteeem

    i love models own play on words for this collection; class!

    Dunno bout the nail polishes themselves, i’ve only ever ordered makeup rather than nail polishes *blush*

  13. Lolaa

    I bought the Car Keys collection not so long ago and I must admit that your post helped me to realize how I wanted them!!
    I just blogged about Grace Green and added a link to your post, since I guess some people might be interested in your comparison (even if I still haven’t got a lot of readers yet ^^)
    Thank you for sharing your informations with us, always! 🙂

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