I’m completely smitten with Mio Liquid Yoga Bath Soak – I can’t even count how many bottles I’ve been through, and yes, it’s a total indulgence at £26, but for some reason it absolutely hits the spot with me in terms of relaxation. The Liquid Yoga Space Spray? Not so much.
I think if you’re the kind of person who likes to ‘set the mood’ for relaxation – meditation or mindfulness classes, let’s say, it will very probably do it for you. You need to be responsive to aromatherapy and prepared to incorporate an olfactory trigger. Mio Liquid Yoga Space Spray is very minty, although it contains a long list of aromatherapy oils including lemon, lavender and chamomile. Personally, I already need to be ‘in the mood’ rather than set a mood, so it’s not the right thing for me. In fact, I spent more time wondering if it’s doing anything at all than I did enjoying the product.
So, if you are able to use olfactory notes to send you to a peaceful zone, I can see it being very useful as a beginning to a relaxation technique or as a pillow spray – or even for a new mum who just needs something to ‘allow’ her to relax. I think the reason that the Liquid Yoga Bath Soak works for me is that it requires me to stop and steep and the combination of that and the notes totally zonks me out. But as an on the go mood improver, let’s just say, my mood was no better and it actually reminded me of chewing gum – another distraction from relaxation because I hate chewing gum!
Anyway, it’s HERE for £19.50.
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