This is a late news item! There’s a whole Michael Kors beauty counter opening at Oxford Street House of Fraser on Saturday – yes, THIS Saturday (15th December).
While pretty much all of Oxford Street will be in run-up-to-Christmas hell, there will be complimentary lip and nail make-overs taking place at the new counter so even if Disney Store have totally sold out of Monster University onesies and everyone’s crying, you’ll be able to leave Oxford Street with your nails and lips nice at least ;-). There’s a mini fragrance gift with all purchases over £60 on the day, plus the chance to win one of three Michael Kors hampers containing £230 worth of Michael Kors products.
I love the glamour of Michael Kors – all wrapped in chunky gold and looking everything Hollywood – there is a space for this brand while others look to modernise and go black and matte in packaging – I’m always won over by a bit of bling.
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