I’m signing off for a few days now – as always full of thanks to you for taking time to stop by and read, comment or browse. Everyone’s Christmas is different so I hope yours is what you need it to be. I’ll be dropping some sale bargains now and then if I see them though so keep an eye on your inbox.

If you’re on your own, and I know that there are always so many people on their own for a variety of reasons, or you don’t celebrate this particular holiday, make sure to treat yourself whether that’s sinking into a book you’ve been waiting to read, eating something special or even just cosying up in front of the TV with a box of chocolates and relaxing – it’s your day as much as it’s anyone else’s.

It’s a sad time too for some – we’ve lost people we cared about this year (three of them) and nothing is the same without them. I find the fact that Uchenna won’t be here almost unbearable – how unfair – but at the same time I’m not making Christmas a particular reminder – it’s sad every day and in that way Christmas day is no different.

If you’re hosting family or friends, don’t burn out! Nobody will care in years to come whether the turkey was perfect or not. Do as much as you can to lighten the load (no sense in everyone getting gently sozzled while you run yourself ragged) – give everyone a job to do – let them draw jobs attached to a packet of chocolate buttons or chocolate santas out of a hat to sweeten the blow.

There will be some changes next year – I’m taking ads to gather some passive income (hopefully). I know they’re annoying and I hope you can bear with but I don’t take a lot of sponsored posts as it is and brand budgets are so squeezed so I hope that works to keep the site viable. I’ll also be starting Subscriptions on Instagram with exclusive content and an ‘ask me anything’ option so any beauty questions you may have, you can freely put them to me there whether you’re scratching your head for a gift, need to find an elusive tubing mascara or just want to know what skin care will work for you.

Transparency Disclosure

All products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.