Love this neat idea from Australia. The Panda Pen is a handy gadget to wipe away those mascara moments with a tip of woven cotton to clean up any smudges. Now, if you’re even just a little bit like me, you’ll have done those brutal under eye wipes with your finger, moving the skin to somewhere near your ears. And, you might even have added a little spit for extra panda punishment. This is a beauty wrong on many, many levels, but we’ve all done it. So Panda Pen actually saves your skin from being stretched and saves your face from lick. And, in fact, gives you more control in what stays and what goes, make up wise (because there is a point in the evening where a little under eye smudging actually looks sexy).
It isn’t just some roller gadget thingy – it’s really quite ingenious. A button on the side tightens the cotton strip on the top, you squeeze two triangular buttons simultaneously to release some make up remover and then clean away with the cotton. You can then slide the button to release some new, clean cotton ready for next time.
I found this Panda Pen at who ship (it’s not in the UK yet), and here’s a little look at what turned up when I googled for images of Panda Pen:
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