Meet Dora

So, I have news! Meet the new addition to our family, Dora. Mr BBB wouldn’t let me call her ADORAble so we have settled in the middle 😊

I know that several readers have encouraged the ‘adopt, don’t shop’ way of me getting a new dog so by way of explanation, we really, really tried. For almost a year. We are restricted in what type of dog we can have because of family allergies, so it’s curly coats only for us. We also need a small dog that can travel with us easily because as both our sets of parents get older, we are between Scotland, Yorkshire and Kent quite regularly now.

I applied several times for a rescue dog but a very large proportion of rescues need another dog in the home, which I don’t have. The small, curly coats come up very rarely. I was successful in one application that required four interviews of one sort or another, amendments to our garden (which we made) and came with stringent warnings about her background. It was emphasized so many times how hard rescues can be to settle that I lost confidence that I could do right by her but we proceeded. I spoke to her foster carer on the phone who cried because she didn’t want her to leave – I said at the time, look, I realise that you have totally bonded with this dog, please keep her. She told me that she wasn’t allowed to keep her. So, we went across London just after Christmas to collect her – I had everything, blankets, travel stuff, a new bed. I’d wanted to send a blanket so she had something that smelled like me at least to get used to but wasn’t allowed. When we arrived, there were more tears, the beautiful, shy dog wasn’t nearly as small as I’d been told  – I know we had big asks but it’s where we are in life. The foster carers clearly were devastated that she was going and I just ended up feeling taking her was the wrong thing to do.

It was one of the most upsetting experiences of my life. I paid in full for her so at least the charity had a good donation. So, because dogs are such an integral part of my life, we made the choice to buy from a reputable breeder who is very local to where we live. I’ve followed the breeder on Facebook for almost two years and when I saw Dora, I knew she was the one. So she has joined our family. My confidence was so badly dented from the rescue experience that I questioned myself over and over about whether I should even have another dog. We have a trainer booked every week to hold my hand (I raised Honey and Coco instinctively without thinking twice) and help with my confidence so that we can train Dora to be a happy to travel, sociable and relaxed little dog.

So, please know that I did my best to adopt and it just didn’t work out. But Dora is a joy and I think in this convoluted, roundabout way, it was meant to be. So, that’s why posts may be sporadic for the next couple of weeks – although saying that, she is asleep in her bed next to me as I type so maybe I will get more work done than I thought!

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60 responses to “Meet Dora”

  1. Sue Deane

    She looks absolutely gorgeous and I’m sure she is going to bring you deep joy and contentment. It isn’t always possible to rescue pets and you mustn’t feel guilty about your experience. You have given this little poppet a good home. Happy days ahead. Xx

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you Sue – we are thrilled with her!

  2. Aoife

    She is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations on the adorable addition to the family!

    I know how difficult the adoption process can be, please don’t feel bad, you tried your best and bought from a reputable breeder. You’re going to give Dora a lovely home!!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you so much Aoife – she is such a sweet little girl.

  3. Rachel

    Please don’t feel bad about buying a puppy or let anyone guilt trip you. I have had rescues who were amazing, but this was a long time ago. It is nigh on impossible these days with all the restrictions and I know I probably wouldn’t be eligible if I tried now, even though I have a secure 140ft garden, live opposite a forest and am home most of the day. Any dog in my house has a bloody good life… it makes me sad. So enjoy your puppy and don’t let anyone make you feel anything other than joy.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you Rachel – I really appreciate that. I was turned down years ago, when I had Honey and Coco, by the same charity for not having a porch.

  4. Sarah H

    I rescued a cockapoo puppy from Many tears in south Wales but only by luck I think. Already been turned down twice as I didn’t have a resident dog. They do have only dogs & most puppies can be only dogs but again depends on the dog. She was reserved & it fell thorough & she was offered to me. 2 years on she is lovely natured dog but terrible separation anxiety. Your little poppet Jane looks lovely, I think you did the right thing with the rescue. All you can say is you tried. Think rescues have a hard time vetting people who have applied, think they are trying to get it right first time but what they don’t want is a puppy or dog returned 5 months down the line as the adopters cannot cope. Even at 12 weeks mine was scared of men, crates, cars & groomers. You wonder what they went through in that time. Once again well done & enjoy. X

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I know – they have the dogs’ best interests at heart but they scared me to be honest. Dora is a dear little thing and for us, it was the right thing to do.

  5. Arpita

    Welcome, Dora! It sounds like she will be very happy to become part of your family, Jane. I know nothing about dogs so I am curious: What breed/mix is Dora? Is she already an adult or still a puppy?

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you Arpita – she is a toy poodle like Honey and Coco were. She is 10 weeks just now.

  6. Donna

    Congratulations, she will bring so much happiness to your family.

    I lost my 17-year-old cat during lockdown and tried every rescue but none allowing adoptions. Yes, friends phoning for chats, but not the same as having a living creature with you. I was lucky to find a Burmese breeder who had one kitten, but she was promised but because of lockdown could not travel to Dublin, so I was able to get her. I do have a moggie who the neighbours left when the moved. But she refuses to come inside, I do have a proper shelter for her, and she is quite happy being the outside cat.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      I’m so pleased you found your perfect cat 🙂

  7. Shelley

    She’s absolutely gorgeous!! Good luck with it all and enjoy every minute! X

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you Shelley – so far, so good!

  8. Melinda

    I am so happy you decided to get another dog!
    Oh she is Adorable and you did the right thing as my son in law has allergies and they bought a black miniature poodle two years ago.
    They wanted to do a “rescue dog” but , as I told them , if you do not know 100% about the breed you may be allergic to the dog and you will have to return it and that is just terrible for the dog and for you and the family.
    Big hugs to Dora from Yum Yum my pekingese and me !!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Allergies is a big thing – Mr BBB can tolerate visiting dogs (I was doing a bit of doggy day care prior to this) for a short while, but could not have a non curly dog full time. I know poodles (I always thought I’d end up with ‘sensible’ dogs like labradors being from the countryside!) and she is proving to be a right little poodle!! :-))))

  9. Jane

    Aw, she really is cute as can be! Sorry the adoption route didn’t work out, but at least you tried. Wishing you and Dora every happiness. ❤

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you Jane x

  10. Dee

    Congrats Jane, delighted it’s worked out in the end for you. Dora is just gorgeous – those eyes . Wish you every happiness with her.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you so much Dee x

  11. Chrissie

    Sooo thrilled for you Jane, she’s absolutely gorgeous and full 0
    of squeeeee! Congratulations on delightful Dora, your lovely new addition, she’s very pup-ular already 🙂 by the look of things.
    Here’s to watching her blossom and grow xxxx

    1. Jane Cunningham

      She is utterly full of squeeee – what a great way to put it!

  12. Anna van Munster

    Awwwh! Congratulations! A-dog-able, a-dora-ble Dora! So charming.. Wish you many-many happy healthy and fun years together! (and if she’s a curious girl you can call her Dora The Explorer – remember that animation for little kids? 🙂 ) And don’t feel sorry and in need to apologize – every dog needs a warm nest, born by breeder or one that already had (failed) attempt on the humans… Our first, Frodo, we took as a pup, then went on with same fellow beagles that needed second (or more) chance due to the circumstance (mostly it’s divorce of the owners, sometimes sudden allergy, etc, etc). Now we have three… the last, Pipa, was purely chance and coincidence – we didn’t plan for the third dog, but my darling husband was browsing that adoption site “4ever Home”, saw Pipa, showed to me.. Write them! – I screamed straight away, DO IT! And we got her… Heart-to-heart connection can not be predicted sometimes, no use in arguing with destiny 🙂 I’m sure little Dora found a great home with you and yours.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      It’s so nice to hear a success story 🙂

      1. Anna van Munster

        Reading all these comments from the others I have feeling that in UK rules of adoption may be harder than here in the Netherlands. Or may be it’s because our first “second chance” beagle we got via our breeder – just contacted her and asked if there is one looking for the new home right now (she once mentioned retiring dogs – after age of 7-8 they are not allowed to breed anymore and some professional breeders then looking for a warm family to get such dog and have fun together for what’s years left) – and she called us literally half an hour later – to tell that there is Bobby who may be exactly perfect addition to our family if they have “good sniff” with our Frodo. Ever since we got (from her) Frodo we stayed in touch, bringing him every vacation we go away to the dog’s pension she runs (actually Beagle pension – and beagles coming from her originally have priority in getting place there 🙂 ) – so she knew all our circumstances and that we know what we gonna get with taking a beagle. Same with Pipa – there was long questionary list to fill, representative of the 4everHome visited us at our place to see all with her own eyes (poor lady had to share her chair with Bobby, who thinks every chair around the table is for sharing – but she didn’t mind) and I guess our breeder also had a kind word about us (she once in a while provides foster staying place at her pension for poor things that have no other place to be)… About 26 solicitors (Pipa is VERY charming young lady-doggie and her picture for that adoption, I suspect, was made by a professional photographer), but we won :). I think it has a lot to do with the fact I’m not working and that our area is known for good walking pads allover (and that we already have two beagles :)). Sorry for chatting non-stop – once I begin about dogs…

        Keep us posted about Dora, please! I always love reading your “furry updates”:).

        1. Jane Cunningham

          Your dogs sound adorable! Maybe it is different here – Dora is coming along nicely – she can sit, fetch and touch but we still have puddles!

  13. Janef

    I’m not really a dog person but yours is, in fact, ADORABLE. Oh my lord. Here’s to a long and happy life together!

    Adopt don’t shop used to mean something different when circumstances were different (at least in the US). You got the dog that is right for you and that’s what matters. Enjoy!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you Jane xx

  14. Honey McKinley

    She is the most gorgeous bundle of cuteness I’ve seen in ages! I hope you all have a great time together. She is so obviously loved and cared for and that’s what dogs need most so I’m sure you’ll do just fine.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you Honey! She is a dear little thing.

  15. Hannah

    Brilliant! I love a pure poodle. Anyone who has tried to adopt a dog gets it (and I have adopted!) – “This is Goblin. He is 15 and must be fed exclusively on Georgia peaches. Will combust in sunlight. We are seeking owners who are at home 26 hours a day, preferably with a phd in pet nutrition.”

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Yes, it’s really tricky – it was like a daily mission. I totally get it that the dogs’ interests come first but there has to be some trust – not like they’re a pile of diamonds!

  16. Oh how lovely! And she’s a lucky little dog to have come to live with you. We have a (human) Dora as well. Wishing you all the happiest times together xxx

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you so much – Dora is a great name for human or dog!

  17. Elise

    Congratulations on your new fur baby! We too struggled with rescue versus breeder after our bed nugget Frenchie Abby passes last year. We ended up working with a reputable breeder too and found our smol boi Otis! He is super smart Border Terrier and we could not be more happy. We are going to try for a second doggo in the fall. I am hoping to work with a Frenchie, Pug or Boston Terrier rescue for an older dog. Wishing you much fuzzy love <3

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you Elise – you will probably have more luck as you have a dog in the home and the rescues like to have that comforting presence. I mean, who knows, maybe we will end up with two eventually!

  18. Melissa G

    She’s absolutely gorgeous and I LOVE her name! (and that’s coming from the ultimate cat person). I wish Dora and your family many years of happiness together!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you ever so much Melissa 🙂

  19. Sian

    Don’t apologise or feel the need to justify the non-adoption. I know it can be something people often pass judgement on.

    I was in the same boat as you and it’s so difficult to adopt. Various rescues would give us reasons why we couldn’t from that particular rescue. Even then it’s hard to find a breed that suits. We too could only take a small dog owing to our lives and unfortunately, it’s the same breeds in these rescues. Would take them in a heart beat if I could but it wouldn’t be fair on them.

    I wish you and your new fur baby manys happy years together.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you so much Sian – I know she is the right dog for us but at the same time I have pangs because so many dogs need homes.

  20. Katy

    She is absolutely adorable and I am so happy for you both. Dogs truly are a gift.
    Stop feeling guilty for not being able to rescue. Dora was clearly meant for you. Much love xx

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you so much Katy x

  21. Alexandra

    Dora means presents (gifts) in Greek! And she is God’s gift!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      oh that’s lovely!

  22. Mary F

    She’s gorgeous, love the name 🙂 Congratulations.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you Mary!

  23. Catherine

    She’s so sweet! Love her little naughty eyes. I have both rescued and had puppies from breeders, it’s so hard when you want to help but also there’s no point if it’s not the right fit. You have to do what is right for you.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thanks Catherine – she does have cheeky eyes that’s for sure!

  24. Siobhan

    Her face just makes me smile. Good for you Dora! and you Jane. Wishing you many happy times wit ms. adorable!!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you so much Siobhan!

  25. Sara

    Congratulations, Dora is adorable & so cute too, she actually looks like a soft toy!
    You look so happy Jane! xxx

    1. Jane Cunningham

      She does! She’s like a Beanie Baby :-))

  26. Rose

    What a beautiful young puppy she is. Enjoy lovely Dora. She really is adorable and irresistible.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thank you Rose 🙂

  27. Becky

    I’m so happy for you! Dora is a darling and I’m sure she’s going to bring so much joy. We adopted our first ever dog this year, and at first we tried Dogs Trust. It was really disheartening and sad, and we nearly gave up until we came across Northern Greyhound Rescue- we now have a beautiful girl who has stolen our hearts ( and socks, tv remote, shoelaces etc!) Adopting is not an easy journey and you have to do what’s best for you and your family- it’s obvious that Dora was meant for you. Many happy times ahead ❤️

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you ever so much Becky 🙂 I love the sound of your cheeky dog!

  28. Karyn Tonkin

    This is just the best news! Dora was destined to be your pup. I used to volunteer for a certain animal charity in Wales but I used to get very frustrated at their near impossible demands for a new home. My friend was lined up for a poodle pup a few years ago and she went through nigh on exactly the same experience as you, and let down at the very last minute. You are offering Dora a wonderful home, she’s wanted and loved and that’s all she needs.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thanks so much Karyn – she is a super little dog and we are getting to know each other better by the day. She is full of fun but calm and gentle too.

  29. Sonal Keay

    Just catching up on some reading – I love Dora’s little face! Impish looking but a very sweet-natured impishness.

    I cannot imagine life without dogs. I was so grief stricken when our old dog died and it still pains me to think of him. He was a beautiful old soul. We waited a year to get another one. I really do think that a bond with a dog is a blessing and a lesson in love and a consolation in life.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      You’re absolutely right -they’re just so good for the soul. I miss both Honey and Coco still…

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