Mark Hill Blow Out Brush
Mark Hill Blow Out Brush

So, here’s another hair product that has taken me by surprise. The Mark Hill Blow Out Brush is infused with Argan oil to give hair shine while you dry. I was so convinced that this was nonsense that I’ve truly put it to the test. I blow dried once without using it to try and measure shine without, then I tried it with, then I tried without again. Generally, I don’t test this hard!

The bottom line here is that my hair was definitely shinier post blow dry using the Mark Hill Blow Out Brush than without. For once, I was interested in the technology of this – apparantly argan molecules are too big to penetrate hair, but used in this context as a coating (like a Teflon coating on a frying pan) with heat, it can penetrate the outer follicles of the hair shaft. Hence the shine.

However, when used correctly (sitting on top of the hair) or when it is in the coating of the heated styling/straightening plate, (and sits on top of the hair) it creates a barrier to the heated appliance (just like Teflon coating on a frying pan) and through molecular distribution and bonding via heat it penetrates the outer follicles of the hair shaft. This means that it seals in moisture. Whatever – the Mark Hill Blow Out Brush made my hair shiny!

Plus, it’s a pretty good brush too.. I’m usually welded (not literally) to my Philip Kingsley blow dry brush, but the Mark Hill brush is taking its place in my (sparse) hair tool drawer. It’s £9.99 HERE.


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