Oh my goodness! There is no stopping this brand. The Makeup Revolution Pro Looks Palettes are three looks in one palette, but actually, so much more than that. I’m not quite sure where you can stop with MUR – there is SO much new product all of the time which is one of the great blessings of an independent brand. They can do what they want, when they want, and catch up with, or begin a trend, as quickly as they like. When independent brands are forging ahead at this rate, bigger brands, with their prescriptive ways and long lead times (they plan a year ahead, at least, so Spring 2016 will be in production already for most brands), need to reassess their machines and find a way to be reactive more quickly.

First up, the brightest of the bunch! Eat Sleep Makeup Repeat, like all the Pro Looks palettes has three distinct sections – three palettes in one pan, really, which means you can get creative with all the colours, but if you want a guide selection, it’s defined within the palette.

This is Big Love, and my picture isn’t really doing it justice because this thing is smacked with sparkle! I’d buy any of these selections as individuals, never mind as one job lot.

And finally, because yes, there has to be a nude version, this is Stripped & Bare.
The Makeup Revolution Pro Looks Palettes are £6 HERE.
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