MAC Redlite Strobe Cream

MAC Redlite Strobe Cream
MAC Redlite Strobe Cream

I’m as sure as I can be that the forthcoming MAC Redlite Strobe Cream is going to be a sell-out. I saw this being tested back stage a couple of seasons ago and just knew then that when it hits, it will fly!

MAC Redlite Strobe Cream
MAC Redlite Strobe Cream

I first saw the new Stobes being tested at the Jean Pierre Braganza show in September 2016 (above) so it’s taken all this time for them to become a consumer product. I’m not so interested in Goldlite – there are so many gold highlighters in many versions around, but Redlite is another story.

MAC Redlite Strobe Cream
MAC Redlite Strobe Cream

You can see that they’re markedly different in tone – all the same smooth cream application as usual Strobe, but that red shift!

MAC Redlite Strobe Cream
MAC Redlite Strobe Cream

It’s something more than a rose-gold although there is a gold element to MAC Redlite Strobe Cream – we’re talking degrees of shift here but while rose-gold can go a bit coppery this one seems to stay a truer pinky/red. It also greatly depends upon the light you’re in. When I swatched these yesterday and there was sunlight it was much more generous with the red hint than it is today when it’s cloudy.

MAC Redlite Strobe Cream
MAC Redlite Strobe Cream

Goldlite is a pale gold – more of a white gold than a yellow gold and very pretty.  Joining MAC Redlite Strobe Cream and Goldlite will be Peachlite, Silverlite and a rename of the original strobe, Pinklite. They’re HERE for £24.50 each.

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10 responses to “MAC Redlite Strobe Cream”

  1. Elizabeth Martin

    Hi Jane,
    I saw an Instagram post yesterday and it reminded me straight away of the article you wrote where you originally tested the strobe creams. It shows all five shades in the consumer packaging…so I’m assuming (hoping) that MAC have decided to release all of them :).

    Here’s the link:

    1. Jane

      Thanks..that’s so helpful.. will change post now xx

  2. These look lovely, I love how you can get it in different under tones!

    EmmysBeautyCave | Bloglovin | Blog Header Services

  3. steelnpurple (@steelnpurple)

    This makes me drool! I have used the original strobe cream for years, it is a lovely product to use as a base under foundation or even powder. I am very excited that they are coming out with different shades!

  4. I have the normal mac strobe cream and love the finish it gives my foundation underneath. This is great that they’ve come out with different shades because that will really help those with different skin undertones! xx

  5. Oh Wow! Strobe Cream is one of my favourite products. Ever. So new shades really excite me, and these do not disappoint. How beautiful!

    The Crown Wings

  6. The Peachlite sounds like a nice choice for me. I’m planning a stop at the MAC store and will be keeping an eye out for these!

    Angela / Blush & Pearls

  7. Amalia

    Hope the formula/ skin care properties won’t change.

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