Lush Emotional Brilliance Post and Quote From Lush

For all the cross Lushies out there who were convinced I’d broken an embargo, who reported me to their Head Office and who plagued my blog and their own Lush forum with anger at my post, here’s an excerpt from an email I have received from Lush today.

“Firstly, we would like to thank you for writing about Emotional Brilliance on your blog – we are extremely grateful for this.

Secondly, you are quite correct, you did not break any embargo. Once the exclusive feature ran in WWD on Friday the information about Emotional Brilliance was out there for all to see and write about.”

So, there are definitely a few lessons to be learned here. I get it 100% that Lush staff are committed and passionate about Lush and that always has to be a good thing; many companies would give their right arms for such loyalty. I also get it that maybe Lush Head Office didn’t seed the information in a sensible way that was inclusive of the staff at a time when the information was available for everyone else. But, next time you want to create a drama whether on a blog or in your own Lush Forum, wait 48 hours. The less you’d commented and made a fuss, the less people would have seen the post and the less upset there would have been. The information was never embargoed from the time it was released to a trade magazine and site,, so therefore I have broken nothing. 

It will be very interesting to see now if there are any further comments.  

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22 responses to “Lush Emotional Brilliance Post and Quote From Lush”

  1. Deborah Jones

    Jane I love how you shut these fools down so nicely. I can’t wait to hear what they have to say. I reckon there will be some Emotionally brilliant silence now…

  2. Fantastic, glad this all got sorted…shouldn’t have really been an issue in the first place xx

  3. Fantastic, glad it all got sorted….shouldn’t have really been an issue to begin with xx

  4. Laura Lou Beauty

    I’ve been keeping my beady eye on this ‘Saga’

    a) I cannot believe how awful some of the Anons were being ‘Thanks, you’ve ruined it for me’ stomp stomp stomp – utterly laughable & ridiculous

    b) By doing this they have created a great online ‘storm’ about Lush = publicity = happy Lush

    Don’t read Beauty Blogs if you do not want to find out Beauty news!

    x Laura x

  5. BeautyQuestBlog

    I agree that passion is great, but some of the comments posted on the previous lush article took things too far. If you had broken an embargo then concerned Lush staff should have contacted their head office or emailed you directly.

    Commenting on your blog post only served to create negativity around the product so not only did you have to deal with the unpleasantness of negative comments, but the Lush brand also lost out on some positive publicity.

    I am glad you posted this update because I think journalists and bloggers are easy targets to attack and most of the time they are only trying to do their best to serve their readers. An important lesson for everyone – journalists and bloggers included – is to think before you post.

  6. Jenny sebok

    Here here!!

  7. Anonymous

    Just saw all the furor and am appalled by lush staff anon comments. Have been a fan for years but their hateful, agressive, rude and importantly INCORRECT comments are so inappropriate and pitiful. If I were Lush, I’d be quickly looking to add some staff training in how to represent the company in a good light. How embarrassing for them…Likely cost good customers and I am rethinking buying from them after 15 yrs of loyalty.

    Pissed Off Lush fan

  8. Anonymous

    lol @ all the hoo-ha.

    BBB 1 – 0 Lush

  9. missy_ellie_uk

    Please Lush have contacted you properly to clear it up, once and for all!

    A lesson here that perhaps communications within the company should be improved?

  10. Betty Leopard

    Very glad to see this.
    I really like your blog and enjoyed your post on Emotional Brilliance.
    It saddens me that some people think the kind of behaviour demonstrated in some of the comments you received is acceptable.
    Onwards and Upwards,

  11. hooray. now the truth is out for everyone to see. xx

  12. Cocoa

    Personally I think Lush should try and locate those anons and talk to them for representing their company in a bad light. I’m sure some internet whizz out there can do it?

  13. Yin

    Well at least its sorted.

    OH Lord. I just went through the comments for the emotional brilliance. I can tell that one of the anon commentators is a bit too EMOTIONALLY over the top. You can’t cancel a party because it got leaked. Do the british thing, and carry on, and have a great time. ‘Man up!’

  14. Heh. I missed the first post (am not terribly interested in this particular brand) but I’ve enjoyed catching up with it and all the anon comments. Sounds like Lush may have engaged Catsarse PR.

  15. Anonymous

    Good on u!

  16. Meg

    I have to say, I’m really surprised by the aggressive responses from Lush employees on this blog and on recently (in response to the animal/human testing shop window). No wonder they comment anonymously – if I gave a response like that on behalf of any company I’ve worked for, it would have been a case for disciplinary action. Being rude to your main means of publicity is not smart!

  17. Charlie

    Brilliant. Happy about this. x

  18. Poor Catsarse. They get blamed for everything 😀

  19. Jemma Goodyear

    Jane you are so restrained and dignified, I salute you! It wasn’t just lush fans but other bloggers saying their 2p worth and if I was you I’d feel like blowin them raspberries as well!

  20. Melanie

    I have been a lush fan for quite sometime and all this has done and turned me right off them! I don’t think im going to bother in future!

  21. LucyyLou

    I double checked this time with Lush for this release. I had all this when the valentines day collection for this year was coming out. Idiots telling me I didn’t deserve it and setting up many forum bashing posts. Despite me spending 7 years of my life as an addict and many lush tags on my blog -.-

  22. Katy Cherry

    We were all sent an email to the shops about what to do with talking to journalist and blogs about Emo Brill, obviously some staff never saw it :/ (btw I work for Lush). Although some of the return comments to lush staff – bit harsh. You can’t tar us all with the same brush. I am really nice and never had a customer complaint. Also if you don’t believe in the wheel just try it. It’s fun and it made some staff cry, it’s quite powerful.

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