They’re nearly here! The L’Oreal Paris Flower Top Coats that I blogged about a while back are hitting stores any minute now right on time to practice your best festival look. Better yet (for me), they came ready swatched over a variety of colours. The L’Oreal Paris Flower Top Coats also have strands and circles. I think they’re really sweet.

I know from previous use that you do have to scoop the flowers out with the brush to get a guaranteed flower on each brush coat – and it’s best to ensure that you topcoat the whole lot to keep the flowers flat onto the nail. It’s the case with some flowers that they can stick away from the nail and then catch a bit on your clothes – personally I find that every single kind of annoying! There are two shades to choose from – Boho Pink and Coachella Coral but both have white flowers – it’s just the shards that are differing shades.
The L’Oreal Paris Flower Top Coats might already be in stores and just haven’t quite made it on line yet, so keep your eyes peeled. They’re £4.99 each.
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