Loose Cannons…

Today I was at the launch of a new range where the brand owner talked to us about the forthcoming products. I’m going to keep the details vague to protect the PRs involved who had clearly put so much time and effort into the launch, but the brand owner totally let the side down by appearing to know so little about their own products that it was actually a bit shocking. Especially when brand owner answered a question on how closely he/she was connected with formulations and he/she answered that they spent hours and hours talking to chemists and scientists so the answer was very close indeed. As time went on, with the sketchiest details about where the key ingredient came from, it became apparant that he/she knew pretty well nothing. The range is actually named for the aforementioned key ingredient, but when I questioned how much of that actual ingredient was in the products, the answer was quite literally, ‘not very much at all’. And when I further questioned about whether the product contained silicone, the answer was, ‘I don’t think it does’. A sharp eye’d journalist pointed out that in fact, yes, it does. On even more questions about why the range doesn’t contain much at all of the ingredient it is named for, the answer was that if you have too much of key ingredient it can actually be detrimental, and frankly I’ve never heard so much BS in my life. 

I felt sorry for the PR’s who had a loose and ill-informed cannon on their hands, and one that thought just turning up was enough. It was just a lazy, arrogant performance and I won’t be touching the product with a barge-pole. 

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12 responses to “Loose Cannons…”

  1. “how much of that actual ingredient was in the products, the answer was quite literally, ‘not very much at all’. ” –> omg shocking :/

  2. Ali

    I know you won’t say who/what it is, but I’m dying to find out!

  3. Jane

    hmmm, was it a brand that promotes being natural and mineral?

  4. People like this absolutely disgust me – if journos/bloggers/jane bloggs give up their time to find out about a new launch the least they can do is their homework. Shocking.

  5. O my gosh. Is that for real? How appalling!

  6. Stacie

    Even if it’s the best product in the world if you can’t get your stuff together to launch it your doomed!

  7. Jo

    Shocking. Surely the brand owner, would be there through every step of the products being developed and would know each and every single little detail. Unless of course they basically don’t give a crap about what they are selling and just want the money!

  8. Charlie

    ooh I’m wondering if I’ve guessed correctly!

  9. Tensy

    I hope you don’t take this as criticism, but I am actually confused. As a beauty journalist weren’t you invited to this brand opening in order to write about the new brand? If your evaluation is indeed negative, why are you censoring yourself and not posting the name of the brand. We read blogs in order to find reputable reviews of new products so that can become educated consumers. If, in fact, you plan to write a detailed review later then I look forward to reading it.

  10. Hi Tensy: no criticism taken but in this instance I feel it’s a delicate situation and the people in this case who will get it in the neck for what I say would be the PRs who really had done their utmost. They’re a bit helpless when their useless client lets the side down but still would probably catch it. I’ll find a way to post about it, don’t worry! The post was just an insider look really more than a ‘secretive’ thing. Sorry if it read that way x

  11. Tensy

    Thanks for the response. I understand how hard PR people work since my own daughter works in advertising in New York.

  12. I’m dying to know who it is too!!

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