L’Occitane Imortelle Precious Serum

There’s this awkward thing in beauty journalism where you meet a brand representative, or founder or even distributor, who have a youth-making skin care product or some revolutionary way to look younger in a nano-second, but they don’t actually look all that youthful themselves. I have to literally put my hands over my mouth not to ask them why they don’t look twenty years younger themselves when they are presenting the lastest elixir of guaranteed miraculous youngness in a bottle. If they don’t look pretty damn amazing, it’s a bit of a stretch to think that anyone else might. And it IS awkward to be asked to believe in something that clearly isn’t working.

So, I always do peer quite closely at skin. And it is nothing to do with being pretty or even young, but they better have damn good skin to be convincing about the efficacy of the product. And so it was when I met with the L’Occitane Head of Comms. His skin is perfect. It’s almost pore free, completely smooth and yes, a little bit radiant, too which is quite unusual on a man. This is the best indicator to me that something is working well, and in his case it is Imortelle Precious Serum. It might, of course, be perfect genes but I can’t factor that in because he didn’t bring the family album so there is no way of knowing, but his skin is impressive.

Every bottle contains the extracts of 1001 (they do it by weight; thankfully it is nobody’s job to count them in) Imortelle flowers that work on collagen production. It’s pretty well as simple as that, and the proof of a good level of collagen is all of the above – smooth, plump, supple and radiant skin.

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6 responses to “L’Occitane Imortelle Precious Serum”

  1. LOL – I too can never understand when I see skincare product reps in stores whose skin is, ahem, less than glowing!? On the other hand, I know a SA for YSL whose skin I saw improve over a short time when they launched their new serum a few months ago. That was impressive!

  2. ohjoiedevivre

    You’re the first I’ve seen post what I’ve thought for a long time; if you sell skin care, you should look the part.


  3. I’ve been saying this for as long as I can recall. If you’re going to push a certain skincare product, back it up with proper glowing skin yourself. Same with makeup, would you take tips from someone that looks like they had a crayola gangbang on their face?

    That’s what I thought.

  4. I would love to see pictures of his skin! Have you tried this serum yet? Wow, 1001 imortelle flowers in each bottle? That’s amazing and sounds irrestible 🙂
    You can’t help but look at representative’s skin, but the one caveat is that you really don’t know what their skin looked like before using the products so it’s hard to know how much of an impact they have had. It could be that the skin care products have made a huge difference but they started from a place of really bad skin.

  5. This entry made me smile. I’ve met so many that where selling “outstanding” skin care with not necessarily wrinkled skin but blotchy, clogged, hyper-pigmented… Needless to say that I never purchased anything from them. Not this L’Occitane serum sounds interesting and very tempting. Thank you for the information. 😀

  6. This post made me giggle. Mr L’Occitane sounds divine… I want to meet him! 😉

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