I have my work cut out this week testing out the multiple products from new brand, Living Sea Therapy. I love testing bath and body products – they’re so much more uncomplicated that face care and rarely promise you anything more than a very lovely, pampering, relaxing time and I am always game on for that! Over time, I’ve come to really appreciate ozonic, mineral bath products such as salts. If you’re achey and sore, a mineral soak is just about the best thing that there is to soothe and ease.

Living Sea Therapy is an amalgamation of Cornish Sea Salt and The Cornish Seaweed Company, so it’s a Brit brand through and through. More than that though, it’s a combining of expertise and knowledge – all the things we don’t have to think about when we’re lying in a steamy, hot bath – harvesting, marine technology and sustainability. I’m particularly interested in the bath products (good mineral sources of magnesium, lithium and bromine) and because the brand doesn’t officially launch until May, I have many good bath times ahead before reporting back. I just think it’s encouraging to see a fledgling British brand start its journey in an underserved category and there is every reason to think it will do very well.
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