Everything about the Lipstick Queen Bete Noir lipsticks lives up to their name. Deepest wine stain shades, cat’s eye packaging – they’re all set up to be wickedly desirable if you love a vampy lip.

The casing is a metallic purple with a squared lid – not as weighty as I thought they’d be but still sleek and polished.

The swatches are from left to right: Possessed Intense, Possessed Sheer and Possessed Metal. Possessed Sheer could easily go over other shades as a down-wash of vamp or to mutate an existing colour so it would be my top pick from the trio for versatility. Possessed Intense is as it looks – blackened berry with a gleam, while Possessed Metal has a metallic sheen to it – it’s not quite bad robot – more of a subtle metal.
The Lipstick Queen Bete Noir collection (£28 each) hasn’t quite launched on line yet but keep your eyes peeled if you want to hit new year with a statement lip.
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