When I was being told about Le Mini Macaron Gel Nail Kit, I thought it sounded really gimmicky and, er, to be frank, a bit rubbish. When the samples arrived, they couldn’t have proved my initial thought more wrong. Inside each little kit (see main picture), you get a polish, a cuticle stick, remover pads, a colour co-ordinated nail file and a mini LED lamp in the shape of a macaron (and a USB cord). You can slot one finger tip inside the space.

It’s so nicely put together – colour co-ordinated and what seem like great quality products: clearly a lot of thought has gone into presentation. The macaron LED doesn’t feel flimsy or delicate. You can see why this brand is going a storm in Asian markets – all of the kawaii! Obviously what works against it is that you can only ‘cure’ one nail at a time, so it’s one for when you’re in the mood for a leisurely pamper in front of the TV. However, you do only need to cure for 30 seconds each time, so really it’s not too much of a time thief. There are 9 shades listed on the US site and again, it seems like a well thought out collection with a vampy Rouge Noir shade and a blazing red, through to more delicate pink colours.

I like this – it seems so much less cumbersome than previous gel nail kits: I don’t really wear gel nails and haven’t tested for longevity but I’ve scoured reviews and they come out very positively. It’s quite a pricy kit at £34.99 but compares well with other gel nail kits. The other thing I like about it is that it’s very tidy – I’ve seen some really cumbersome gel nail kits and love the fact I can tuck this away very easily. Le Mini Macaron Gel Nail Kit is scheduled for a July launch but I feel it’s really got its eye on the Christmas market so might be a bit later than that.
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