I’m kind of disbelieving of mydnaperfume.com, that claims to have created a fragrance based on Michael Jackson’s DNA (taken from a strand of hair, apparantly). The concept of using celebrity DNA to form a fragrance is so weird that I think at any moment, someone’s going to pop up on the site and yell, ‘JOKE’. According to the site, they’ve collaborated with a ‘celebrity hair collector’ to relinquish his collection of locks from the deceased rich and famous to create scents based on their DNA profile for the ‘Antiquity Line’. Who even knew people collected celebrity hair? I daren’t look to see who is there (but I know Elivs is one). And, oh, there’s even a suggestion that you might like to immortalise your own loved ones (oh dear, I assume they mean dead ones) by having a DNA fragrance made in their honour. There’s no decipherable information about how the DNA is transformed into fragrance – there’s mention of ‘mystical blends of fragrance notes based on your DNA’ , but that’s as far as it goes. So, you tell me…fact or fiction?

Killer or Thriller: DNA based fragrance.
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5 responses to “Killer or Thriller: DNA based fragrance.”
Completely macabre, but not quite as odd as people who make diamonds from the cremated remains of their relatives/pets.
Err that’s just wrong…
Absolute fiction! I can’t believe that anyone would buy into it! The mind boggles! :0
why on earth would you want to smell like Michael Jackson? x
This concept made a little bit of vomit just come up into my throat. EWWWWW
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