With sixteen vibrant shades, Kiko Cream Crush Eyeshadows are lining up to fill the gap that exists for well-priced moussy shadow. I think that these would fall into the ‘cushion’ feel of things with a spongy texture that blends well. The colour is intense, and as often happens with Kiko, I can see similarities to luxury brands both in texture and in colour selection. The three shades above are: 13, Pearly Violet, 16, Pearly Emerald and 15, Pearly Turqouise.
Kiko Cream Crush EyeshadowsThere are gentler colours, too, but they’re very highly pigmented so impactful despite being more on the nude spectrum. Above is 06, Pearly Chocolate, 09, Pearly Gold (a ringer for a Chanel Stylo that I have), 05, Pearly Silver Rose.
Kiko Cream Crush EyeshadowsFinally, from the selection that I have here, are 14, Pearly Electric Blue and 02, Pearly Warm Rose. The Kiko Cream Crush Eyeshadows aren’t disimilar to the Dior Fusion Monos which have a tendency to dry out quickly, so I hope these aren’t the same. I think they aren’t as sophisticated in consistency as Dior, but the outcome is pretty much the same.

I’ve swatched in sunlight so you can see the sheen: Pearly Warm Rose, Pearly Silver Rose, Pearly Gold and Pearly Chocolate. If you look carefully at Pearly Warm Rose, you’ll see that it hasn’t come out totally smoothly – this happened with almost all of them so I’d advise that you work it into the palm of your hand before applying to your lid to get rid of the chunky bits and get a smooth result.

In this swatch, I have Pearly Electric Blue, Pearly Violet, Pearly Turqouise and Pearly Emerald. For no particular reason, Pearly Emerald came out smooth as silk. I didn’t get any of the mattes in my selection, so all of these are shimmer shot – quite heavily in some cases. They’re not tested for last or drop, but I’d always advise an eye primer.
So, Kiko Cream Crush Eyeshadows are £6.90 each HERE.
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