Kiko Bad Girl 2

It’s not the best of images, but Kiko Bad Girl 2 has launched into store this week – this time around though, the entire collection will join the permament line.

Notably, the collection is almost all dual colour, like the Vibe2 Longlasting Shadow Sticks (above), of which there are six.

As well as the Light Infusion Powder above, you’ll find cool blush/highlight sticks, Lipstick Duos (two colours in one stick) and longwear liners.

I will have samples and swatches over the weekend, but if it looks good enough already, you can find Kiko Bad Girl 2 HERE.

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12 responses to “Kiko Bad Girl 2”

  1. Kelly

    Why are the pictures so awful and content so small. I’m sorry I hope you font take offense but this is bad

    1. Jane

      It’s all I could get for the time being but I will get samples today and a fuller post is coming. Sometimes, this blog is just snippets of news so you get to know about things quickly. x

  2. Victoria

    Love Kiko and love your blog. Merry Christmas!

  3. Josie

    Sounds like such a lovely range – looking forward to hearing your thoughts when you’ve tried it!

    Josie XOXO
    Fashion Mumblr

  4. I am not really feeling this dual eyeshadows and lipsticks. I will check out the eyeliners though!

  5. MelissaG

    Thanks Jane, I appreciate your efforts to get us all the essential beauty news!
    This is one Kiko collection I didn’t like – I’ve seen it in person – so I’m a bit disappointed to hear it will become permanent. Still, I’m a big fan of Kiko and it’s hugely popular in France because we have NOTHING else that’s such good value and with such frequent promotions – no Makeup Revolution/MUA and the like, no 3 for 2 offers…. no wonder!

  6. I’m so glad to hear they’re starting to make some of their collections more permanent and I hope they do it for others; I found my all-time favourite pink lipstick in their Life in Rio collection and it winds me up endlessly that I won’t be able to get a replacement when this one runs out!

  7. I still haven’t tried anything from Kiko! I have no idea where to start?!


  8. Hello !!

    I am the author photo rouge, and continue for years and I am very excited to see a picture of mine on yours!

    You post I did on this collection so you can see sotas products without problems, and if you want you can use the images 😀

    1. Jane

      My apologies – I really thought they were ‘official’ images – I have some product and swatches and will ensure I link to your site in the new post on Sunday. Thanks for being so kind about this – it was not my intention to take your own pictures xx

      1. No apologies, for me it was a compliment! That’s why I leave the link in case you need more images! 😀

        1. Jane

          Thank you! That’s so kind xx

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