I wrote last year about a wonderful band from France called TooFruit, that uses fruity extracts in skin care for kids (6 months to 12 years).
I had quite a big response on it, especially on Twitter, with mums saying that it was exactly the thing they were looking for – a middleman between adult skin care and baby skin care. When you’re ten and have dry skin, it seems all kinds of wrong to be slapping adult skin care on such young skin, and generic alternatives seem too chemically laden to be an option.
Anyway, along comes KIK (Keep It Kind) with a deodorant range for kids, with roll on Fresh Kidz being recommended from age 8 (although it’s not going to help their spelling with a name like that!). The other two are recommended from age 11+. KIK deodorants are free from aluminium, parabens and alcohol and aren’t tested on animals.
There is definitely an emerging trend for personal care products for pre-teens that doesn’t come with a babyish look or for that matter, an adult look. I seem to remember that the last pre-teen beauty push was for wash off nail polish and such things but nothing much for personal care. With puberty hitting ever earlier, it is fitting that someone is catering for the pre-teen happenings. I wonder what’s next!
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