Jingle Bells With Sure..

This is another ad that’s currently driving me nuts. Some women (models) experiment (are paid) to wear bells all day (for as long as the shoot took) to show that Sure Deoderant is ‘motion sensitive’. 

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. AND I can’t even remember the exact name of the product or what it looks like so I’m not even going to add an image.

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15 responses to “Jingle Bells With Sure..”

  1. Huh what? I mean… no wait… what? Has there been some revolution in deodorants that I missed? I had no idea you were meant to “jingle”, does sweat make your arm pits jingle or what? Or is this some sophisticated new alarm system?

  2. lol.. they have women wearing bells to alert them to how many times a day they move. it isn’t the deoderant that makes them jangle!

  3. motion sensitive = whatever next, pff.

  4. You’re way too late for April 1st. This has to be a wind-up!

  5. Well that’s a relief;-) Can you imagine a jingling deodorant? This has to be one of the stupidest marketing ideas ever.

  6. no, it’s that the deodorant “activates” when you move and so it like….releases extra deodorant powers when you move and that is how strong the product is? it’s so stupid


  7. kirstyvictoria

    pahahaha. I’m trying to get my dissertation finished (nightmare), and this just made me snort out loud to a bemused roomful of frazzled students. Thank you for the light relief!

  8. @dailypolish that is GENIUS. And think of the possibilities, you can use the powers to smite your enemies, instead of deodorant you use its foul smelling evil twin, bounce about a bit and voila, you get that seat on the formerly packed train. Magic.

  9. Lucy – Beauty and the Blogger

    I saw this yesterday and straight away I though “harumph”. Same with that other deodorant (Dove?) that contains “beauty minerals”…what the hell are beauty minerals?

  10. Ali

    I’ve seen that ad. LOL! I want to know who at Sure thought it was a great concept and approved it.

  11. I want to know who is employing the people who work in advertising. Most adverts these days are stupider than the shit we made up in school for technology projects. And believe me, they were shit.

    Worst advert “isa isa baby”. 😐


  12. hHaha so funny! Although I do kinda love the jingle jangle bracelet, might want one… x

  13. This is why brands need real people and diverse perspectives in the boardroom. Too bad they didn’t consult real women on this one. I agree. It’s funny and a far-fetched.

  14. you mean that a woman wearing the bells to make a deodorant active.it means it has a great power.

  15. Kate

    that’s the rexona ad! 😀

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