Yes, you don’t need to tell me exactly what this looks like! Only, this one is divided in the middle and has fabric ear hooks. I’ve already investigated the curious (to us) heated panty liner that a friend brought me back from Japan last year (HERE). Actually, I will flag up that although this was bought in Japan, it might well be Korean. I have neither language so no way to know. But, it does show that there are cultural differences in whether to heat or to cool. I think it’s our natural stance for eyes or elsewhere to believe they should be cooled, rather than heated.

You can see the ear hooks in this picture. As soon as the eye mask comes out of the packet it starts to warm up – it doesn’t get very hot but there is distinct warming feeling. I stopped feeling like an idiot with a panty liner on my face after a few minutes and actually, it was quite a lovely sensation but I didn’t feel it did me any ‘good’ as such.

As you will know, I love a quirky find, and this fits the bill. After having blasted my eyes with Japan’s most ‘minty’ eye drops earlier in the week, this was a gentle experience in comparison!
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