Japanese Beauty Gadgets

Japanese Nose Pore Blocker
Japanese Nose Pore Blocker

It’s a while since I’ve done a scoot around the internet for more crazy Japanese beauty inventions. I can’t believe that people buy these but they must do, since places sell them! Above is the Nose Pore Blocker. Just keep it in your fridge until it’s really cold and then pop it on your nose for 90 minutes and leave it to ‘block your porese’ so that no dirt can enter them. I’m thinking that it’s 90 minutes of your life you’ll never get back, but it’s HERE.

Japanese ear scope
Japanese ear scope

The Ear Scope. So you can pick about inside your ears and have the image transfered to your laptop. Again, remember, you will never get this time back. But, if you feel like having your own private screening of what lives in your ears, it’s HERE. Actually, as far as I am aware, there is no Inside My Own Ear YouTube channel, so that’s an opportunity for someone to grab.

Japanese Face Expander
Japanese Face Expander

I’m intrigued by the idea of a face expander, but it doesn’t really specify whether, after you’ve successfully expanded your face, you can ever get it back to how it was. Also, you will really have to hope that there are no flying insects around when you’re wearing this. The Face Expander is HERE.

Japanese Breast Gymnastics
Japanese Breast Gymnastics

I think I’ve featured this one before, but it gets me everytime. Apparantly, this is recommended by a Japanese celebrity midwife who is famous for her breast gymnastics. In fact, the tool is modeled on the midwife’s own hand, apparently. Possibly the most incredible thing about this tool to give your breasts back their buoyancy (their word) is that it costs $47. Breast gymnastics. I have no words. It’s HERE.


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10 responses to “Japanese Beauty Gadgets”

  1. Natalie Emma

    An interesting concept, the last one looks a bit weird though haha 🙂 I do love your blog x

  2. Wow! That’s quite a collection of unusual gadgets!
    Ting x


  3. Julia

    Am I the only one who thinks the face expander one makes the model look slightly like a blow up doll? What’s with the ear one as well? Shouldn’t that be done by a professional?
    The Japanese have amazing skin care brands but some of the things they do are really… Special.


  4. Wowww…

    That face expander is hysterical! It looks like something that belongs in bondage…but it’s pink! I’ve seen a few things from Japan that are just crazy – have you seen the F-Cup Cookies? Or the Bust Up Gum? Treats that “enhance the breasts!” Crazy.


    1. Jane

      Ooh F Cup Cookies… going to have to investigate those..thanks for the heads up!

  5. Nicola Leadbeater

    This has cheered up at the end of a very long day. Love the blog.

  6. Lol… having majored in Japanese and minored in Asian studies in college, I am no longer surprised by the wacky inventions that come from Japan, only amused ^_^


  7. I have seen a few of these weird pics on the internet. I just had no clue what they were supposed to be for. Thanks for the enlightenment and the laugh! Crazy things some will do for beauty.

  8. OMG the second one looks downright scary…

  9. OMG, these are crazy, totally completely insanely crazy!!!!

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