Some of the more, er, out-there Japanese beauty gadgets have me completely intrigued – take Exhibit A above, the Beauty Spoon. The stick has layers of germanium balls – I’ve Wiki’d Germanium and it’s a very complicated chemical that I can’t really find any reference to uses in beauty for – plenty uses as a semi-conductor for transistors though! Anyway, from what I can make out, rub it over your face every day to keep it groomed and toned.

And now, Exhibit B – the Breast Gymnastics Massager. I (almost) have no words, but if you think what’s basically a plastic gropey hand that you parp your own boobs with is going to do anything towards making them firmer, think on. Genuinely, I can’t see how this is going to work.

I’ve featured the Pupeko before but can’t resist giving it a re-run. Created by Chikako Hirama (Mrs Hirama pictured?) and the device is to combat ‘those tell-tale lines’. You puff your cheeks out or suck them in with the Pupeko in your mouth and if you can do it without laughing, who knows, maybe it will work (*doubtful face*).
You can actually buy all or any of these HERE, where they really do sell cat’s pyjamas, and yes, they ship to the UK!
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