There is so much new nail product at the moment, it’s hard to pick and choose what to feature but as soon as I saw the Isadora Sugar Nails Pastels it was an instant yes! I continue to feature Isadora even though they aren’t available in the UK in the hopes that one day they might be – it’s a great little brand, perfect for some of our high street stores and I’d love to see them here one day.

My nails have been on a bit of a swatch break – they’re rebelling – so I’ve been using nail wheels so what you have to remember is that the colours are on pure white – a base coat of white polish will keep the colours true to how you see them on the wheels. The Isadora Sugars Nails Pastels are so sweet – the sugar finish is what we know also as a sand finish and is a little bit textured. There’s glitter in the colours so you get some sparkle too and they’re true pastel shades. It’s the first yellow of the season that I genuinely want on my nails!
Anyway, in UK money these would be around £9.95 each – I think Isadora is available in Ireland and also across Europe so keep a look out if you’re travelling.
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