International Happiness Day

Clinique Happy In Bloom
Clinique Happy In Bloom

I know, I know – International Happiness Day is kind of gimmicky but I woke up at 6.30 this morning thinking, well, if it makes you focus on what makes you happy, then it’s a good gimmick. It’s kind of unfortunate for me that I have the kind of personality that automatically prefaces any happiness with a BUT. So, ignoring those, things that make me happy right now are:

1. My beautiful dogs, Honey and Coco who are a joy every single day. Honey is the oldest by a year and she is the most faithful, reliable and sensible dog I’ve ever known. We have never, to my recollection had a cross word. When she was a tiny puppy, I had a very posh Lulu Guinness dog carrier and I sneaked her into all kinds of shops because she would just curl up quietly so she’s been to Harvey Nichols, Harrods and Selfridges and nobody (til now) is any the wiser. Coco is all kinds of daffy – a totally different personality but she is happy every single day of her life. Every day is just a happy one for her – she isn’t the brightest dog in the world and we love her all the more for it.

2. The fact that we have lighter mornings – our bedroom overlooks trees and sky and waking up on a blue-sky morning is an absolute pleasure.

3. I went to a meeting with a brand yesterday and was able to tell them all the things that internal brand departments (such as marketing, finance etc)  never really get to hear about how women feel about beauty. Based on all the feedback I get on the blog and the emails I receive it felt rather meaningful to be able to share some of the very emotional ways that beauty touches us.

So that’s my top line happy things! Please share yours – I’d love to hear them. In the meantime, if you want a spritz of Happiness, it couldn’t be a better day to have a look at Clinique Happy In Bloom – a beautiful bottle and a smack of florals. It’s £26.50 HERE.

Levres Scintillantes in Happy 186
Levres Scintillantes in Happy 186

If you can hold that happy thought until June, Chanel is launching as part of their summer collection, this stellar shade of Levres Scintillantes called Happy. Just putting it out there 🙂

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4 responses to “International Happiness Day”

  1. Sophie

    I love this post. There’s not enough focus on what makes us happy, I don’t think.

  2. K

    Jane, do you know the uk release date of the chanel summer reflets d’ete collection?

    1. Jane

      I think it’s June.

  3. Sarie

    I was told by one of the consultants that it’s May.

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