I thought I’d just do one final post for those of you who have taken part in the Imedeen 90 Day Challenge that’s been ticking away in my side-bar for the past three months. As a long term user of Imedeen I did the challenge myself a couple of years ago (and have used Imedeen ever since!) so I can point out some markers of skin change that you should be noticing coming towards the end of month 3.
The first place I really noticed that things were working (after a few weeks of not really expecting anything to be improved) was on my shins. I have genuinely never had dry and flaking shins since. You might also be noticing that any notoriously dry areas, such as elbows or ankles, are far less dry.
You should also notice that your need for buckets of body moisturiser has decreased! I use far less body moisturiser than before; it’s almost more of an optional thing for me now.
Imedeen suggest that you may see a decrease in any fine lines on your face and possibly even dark circles – I think after two years, it’s impossible for me to say one way or the other on a personal level and it’s something I wish I’d looked out for more when I was at the beginning of the trial. I know that some BBB readers have been trialling Imedeen, so if you’ve seen any improvements, please do let me know!
If you’re a regular reader of BBB then you’ll know my journey with this brand – I don’t make any bones about being a die-hard fan and going forward, I can’t see a time where I won’t be using Imedeen.
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