Imagine This…


Imagine for a second that the above is the below.


Imagine yourself in any social situation, where, instead of checking your Instagram, Facebook, texts or messages on your phone, you picked up your book and started reading it. At the bank. At the dinner table. In a meeting. At coffee with friends. At the pub… you name it, if you imagine all those moments where you ‘check out’ of what you’re doing to look at your phone as reading a bit of your book, it’s weird, right?

Far be it for me to preach to anyone about a social detox, but this analogy has really got me thinking. Maybe I’ll just not check my phone for a couple of days unless I’m absolutely on my own. No wonder my mum and dad find it so strange that our entire family find it so easy to ‘check out’ of what we’re doing. To them, it looks so rude and thoughtless and as though we’re just not interested in what’s going on around us if we can be so easily tempted away.

It’s also quite funny if you imagine your phone as a book… think of the looks on people’s faces if you suddenly brought War & Peace out in the middle of a meeting to read a couple of paragraphs!

Just saying, really, that Christmas isn’t about the pictures you take or the messages you get, it’s about the memories you make.

I’ll be taking a couple of day’s break til the 27th, although I suspect that with all my good advice above, I won’t be able to resist a sneaky look at Twitter!


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5 responses to “Imagine This…”

  1. Ali Harriman

    A great example Jane. Let’s all disconnect more often.

    Happy Holidays!

    Ali x

  2. Beth

    During a conversation perhaps it would be odd but quite often while waiting in line or when a friends that the bar, I will get a book out to read. Some people find it odd but it’s become a habit

  3. im trying, im trying…failed!

  4. <3 I am taking a definite phone detox! My phone is dying and needs to be replaced and I would like to replace it with another iPhone but they are so expensive I need to save up for it. I have a hand-me-down iPad that I use exclusively for reading books (before they created Kindle paperwhites!). So being disconnected is quite nice!!! I like having my iPad for reading because I can carry around 80 books in one slim thing….mostly because I am a big book nerd and I don't want to have to pick and choose between books and I enjoy being able to have them all at once! I never have any data on the iPad and keep it on airplane mode 24/7 so it is my big library! Reading is the best!! 🙂


  5. It’s not really an equal comparison I think, because reading a book is something you do completely for and with yourself; for your own pleasure without anybody else sharing what you do. Checking your smartphone however may involve other people you are communicating with… Myself I don’t have a problem at all, when somebody is checking out their smartphones during dinner for example, but I recently experienced something that made me realize what makes THE difference for me: my brother’s new girlfriend (who despite this criticism is very lovely) doesn’t speak our language yet, which is German. When we are together in a smaller group we are talking English, but of course larger family events, which we have plenty of now in the holiday season, are mainly German spoken. So my brother’s girlfriend would get bored easily, which I understand. But – then she quite often started playing games on her smartphone to make the time pass by faster for herself. Which I have to damit I did feel totally strange and, yes, rude in a way. Because that’s not what – I find – would be ordinary and regular to do with the smartphone, but but something she did on her own, excluding everybody else, for nothing but her own personal pleasure; so to me that seemed to show kind of a lack of interest or at least politeness.

    So I do understand if people less familiar with modern technologies and social media feel what I felt in these situations, when somebody is “just” checking our their smartphones again and again; but for me personally the line between normal and impolite behaviour is somewhat farer.

    However I share the opinion that it’s not about the pictures you take, but about the memories you make – 100%!!! And that isn’t even only social media related! I know a lot of people who are taking loads and loads of pictures not to post them anywhere, but just to preserve the memories; to preserve every single moment that might be special or interesting. Which of course is lovely up to a certain limit, but myself I prefer “taking” the bigger number of pictures “only” with my eyes and my heart, than through a lense.

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