Imagine for a second that the above is the below.

Imagine yourself in any social situation, where, instead of checking your Instagram, Facebook, texts or messages on your phone, you picked up your book and started reading it. At the bank. At the dinner table. In a meeting. At coffee with friends. At the pub… you name it, if you imagine all those moments where you ‘check out’ of what you’re doing to look at your phone as reading a bit of your book, it’s weird, right?
Far be it for me to preach to anyone about a social detox, but this analogy has really got me thinking. Maybe I’ll just not check my phone for a couple of days unless I’m absolutely on my own. No wonder my mum and dad find it so strange that our entire family find it so easy to ‘check out’ of what we’re doing. To them, it looks so rude and thoughtless and as though we’re just not interested in what’s going on around us if we can be so easily tempted away.
It’s also quite funny if you imagine your phone as a book… think of the looks on people’s faces if you suddenly brought War & Peace out in the middle of a meeting to read a couple of paragraphs!
Just saying, really, that Christmas isn’t about the pictures you take or the messages you get, it’s about the memories you make.
I’ll be taking a couple of day’s break til the 27th, although I suspect that with all my good advice above, I won’t be able to resist a sneaky look at Twitter!
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