Illamasqua Generation Q Collection

The Generation Q collection from Illamasqua is venturing into fairly unchartered waters with an ‘ageless’ collection. It’s not so much the products that have anything particularly ageless about them – pretty much any make-up can be worn by anyone – but rather the marketing materials and advertising around it. It’s an exceptionally good reminder to older women, who might have lost confidence with their make-up or looks, that actually, make-up is still fun, still sexy and still enhancing. 

It’s all very well when you are in your teens or twenties and pretty much everything looks wonderful, but women definitely do lose confidence as they get older and beauty starts to mean something quite different. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard older women say they don’t wear much make-up any more – just a slick of lipstick or something. Well, fine if you can’t be bothered or simply don’t want to, but if it is a question of feeling there is no point, there IS every point. We are a youth focussed society for sure, but we need to shake off the belief that beauty and youth are mutually exclusive. They aren’t. 

It is the greatest of pleasures to me to see older women still looking immaculately groomed, who haven’t dived into the safety of grey hair, even greyer looking skin and a novelty fleece. If you choose to give up on make-up and grooming, that’s a personal choice, but I can quite see that with the beauty industry’s obsession with all things young, flawless and wrinkle free that it’s easy to take cover and give up. But, the point Illamasqua is making is that beauty is pretty well ageless and not in the least race specific. Defining beauty is impossible, but one thing is for certain, age has nothing to do with it. That we link youth with beauty is purely advertising driven by the beauty and fashion industries mainly and unlinking the two is one of the biggest challenges of the century. So, nice one Illamasqua, for making the start that I hope others follow. 

Generation Q launches on 6th September. 

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8 responses to “Illamasqua Generation Q Collection”

  1. Anonymous

    I agree with you completely here. I never bothered with makeup in my youth, but now that I am hitting my mid-30s I am getting more and more interested in exploring more than just a colored lipbalm or eyeliner for the day. It has been kind of disappointong to see the overwhelming marketing campaigns of various companies for the 20-something and under generation, and less (interesting) efforts made for older women. Besides the standard “don’t wear anything but neutrals because it will look tacky on older women” advice you can get from anywhere. Excellent marketing move by Illum., I hope it succeeds!

  2. Alice

    I think this is a great thing that Illamasqua are doing, I think so many older women are put off by the garish colours and the fear that they don’t fit, it’s about time makeup became more about all ages!



  3. Sarah

    Um what is wrong with grey? Lots of women look great with it – it doesn’t mean you have let yourself go, or are not bothering. The women in the picture looks great!

  4. Hi Sarah.. nothing wrong with grey. But there is grey and there is grey. It can look sleek, sophisticated and a million times elegant, and other times it can just look very ageing. Think it depends upon how you wear it and also what you wear with it.

  5. ohjoiedevivre

    I’m in my early 50s and while I’ve always taken good care of myself, I do have to make more effort than I did when I was younger. I don’t consider that fact to be a chore. Its one of the realities of growing older. And regardless of age, so long as you are realistic in your expectations, there’s no limits but those you choose.

    The colours in that collection are beautiful. I especially like that first eye palette and the red lipstick and nail polish.


  6. You’ve really hit the nail on the head with your comments about older women and beauty. Tomorrow I’m launching a report entitled Older Women: The Forgotten Demographic -I interviewed women aged 54-90 to find out their usage of cosmetics & toiletries and their views on shopping, packaging, advertising and claims. I’m really hoping beauty brands will take note of it! If not, then there’s no hope…

  7. helen

    I love makeup and I’m 23. I can’t imagine my life when I’m older without it. I know lots of women who are pensioners that use cosmetics as part of their daily routine and I know I want to be just like them! Illamasqua are so good at campaigns and bringing this issue to light is amazing!

    Helen xxx

  8. Sarah

    @BBB True, I think we should just be careful sometimes, as a lot of older women feel self concious about the greying…my mother went grey in her early 20s, and has always rocked a fabulous silver bob despite feeling awkward. I suppose it can look as bad as a poor dye job! She swears by Lush’s Daddy O shampoo to keep it from yellowing.

    I also love seeing older lady rocking a dramatic lipstick!

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