Here’s A Tip

I’ve noticed that there has been a big upsurge of mail to my work in-box of PRs emailing me with pictures and descriptions of amazing parties they’ve held that I wasn’t invited to. Now, I seriously don’t mind not being invited, that’s not the issue, but asking me to write about the-party-I-didn’t-make-the-guest-list-for and add in some pictures of everyone else having a fun time…the answer has to be no. And that’s the polite term. It would be a little bit like me saying, ‘hey, I did a fab feature on amazing skincare – your product isn’t in it, but thought you’d like it anyway. Furthermore, not only did you miss a huge  feature, you can look at the amazing pictures of brands that did make it instead – in fact, why don’t you circulate them all round the office so everyone else can see as well.’ Ridick.

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10 responses to “Here’s A Tip”

  1. Perfectly Imperfect

    No way! That is so tasteless and unprofessional. They are in “PUBLIC RELATIONS” and they didn’t think that would be offensive? Good for you calling them on it. Not cool.

  2. Grace London

    It’s more than a bit clueless, isn’t it?

  3. bwahahahaha… tell ’em! that is just classless, why would you blog about parties FOR FREE that you weren’t even invited to? To promote THEM?? What is in that for you, I might ask? Wow

    Almost as bad a company that I had contact me out of the blue to feature their products on my blog, so I said sure, send me some so that I can check them out and give a review or sponsor a giveaway…their answer? Buy some and then review/promote it on the blog. UM….WHAT DO I GET OUT OF THAT? eff off

  4. It’s thoughtless, and it doesn’t make sense: how could you write about an event you didn’t attend? Did I miss something?

  5. That is not only pathetic but down right rude. I honestly don’t know how these people could possibly think you would do that let alone respond in a polite fashion! My scathing e-mails in response would probably make ears burn, so I credit you for being so even-tempered about it. Sheesh the nerve of some people.

  6. Heheh, absolutely ridiculous! x

  7. I got asked to do this last week, I wasn’t even sure how to respond in a polite way. Here’s me worrying about offending them when really the request was downright rude in itself :/

  8. I’d just like to say that I LOVE reading about your rant-worthy experiences. What a bunch of imbeciles!

  9. OxfordJasmine

    Cheeky isn’t the word I was thinking. Honestly what do good manners cost these days? What goes around, comes around is all I say.

  10. Anonymous

    too funny!
    why don’t you write about their parties, in a really tongue in cheek fashion, ensuring that you continuously criticise and pick apart the clothing, makeup on the guests attending, products themselves, launch party and anything else you can think of – of course adding that this is just your perspective based on photos sent to you, and has no reality based in fact BECAUSE YOU WEREN’T THERE SO CAN’T HAVE A MORE ACCURATE OPINION!

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