HEMA Beauty

HEMA Beauty
HEMA Beauty

If you haven’t heard of HEMA it’s because it’s very new to the UK – I think the closest thing I can compare it to would be if Tiger and Ikea got married! It’s a Dutch company with stores across Europe and very recently, the UK (there are only 3 so far and the biggest is at Victoria Place Shopping Centre). They sell everything from clothes to crayons, but my focus in on their beauty offerings. You know when you have low expectations? And then they’re totally blown out of the water by the reality? That.

HEMA Beauty
HEMA Beauty

Prices are cheap and cheerful with nail polish at £4.25 and Eye Liner at £3 for example but the quality is surprisingly good. Like, we aren’t talking Dior here, but they’re well pigmented and have all the markings of a more expensive brand, without the glossy packaging. Above, swatches are the HEMA Volumising Lipstick in No 25 and the raisin shade is the Moisturing Lipstick in 08. In between is the Chalky Eye Shader (£3.50) and Liquid Eye Liner (£3).

HEMA Beauty
HEMA Beauty

The next selection is the Metallic Eye Mousse (waterproof) in Grey (£4.25), Satin Blush Powder (no price) and again, Eye Liner (£3).

HEMA Beauty
HEMA Beauty

And here they are swatched (there’s a little bit of Barry M glitter nail peeping out in the corner!).

HEMA Beauty
HEMA Beauty

Finally, from testers I have here, is the Wet & Dry Eye Shadow Quad (with the aforementioned lipsticks) in 04. This looks a bit dry and chalky on first site but swatched really well on my arm.

HEMA Beauty
HEMA Beauty

It’s not possible to swatch absolutely everything on my eyes.. my poor lids would be raw.. but I’ve learned to tell that if a product is very easy to wipe off the arm (i.e. with just a dry towel) then it tends to be poor on last on the eye. So, that would be my honest comment here – it wiped away all too easily BUT I think the pay back for make up that’s budget friendly is to invest in a premium primer to hold it in place. I haven’t come across anything that Urban Decay primers disappear from, so if you don’t want to spend a lot on make up but do like to experiment with colours etc, then primer is your friend.

So, the HEMA Beauty collection will launch on-line – but is already in stores – in September.

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9 responses to “HEMA Beauty”

  1. Pam

    I have just done a post on this brand too and I loved it


  2. The products and display in the Victoria store reminded me a little of Kiko. There’s also a range of base colours beyond beige. I’m a packaging snob so a little put off by the cheap plastic but the product quality itself as you say is really good.

  3. I bought some of the stuff from HEMA on Saturday and I really love it! I’m putting a review up on my blog next week 🙂

  4. Sarah

    Could have done with seeing this post while I was in Amstersdamm last week. They had stores everywhere there.

  5. Mali

    I’m half Dutch, and was so excited when I saw a HEMA at Schiphol Airport! I bought a lipstick and it’s one of my favourites; the quality is exceptional for the price. I hope they pop up more places in the UK!

  6. They also have really nice storage products for cosmetics!

  7. Megan

    They do an amazing mascara. I bulk bought when I was there and now I feel a bit daft for having done so!
    Megan x
    London Callings

  8. Charlotte

    I LOVE HEMA! I’ve been buying it when I go to Holland for years, it’s always our first stop down the highstreet 🙂

  9. Sabrina

    I’m definitely going to be on the lookout for HEMA the next time I’m on the Continent. I’ve used Kiko before and loved it, and this sounds like it would be just as fun.

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