Time for a bit of Friday fun… if you’re heading to a Halloween party, here’s something to frighten the living daylights out of everyone. Obviously, it’s just not a Halloween outfit without some Halloween Bags. I Instagrammed this yesterday without realising that #badtaxidermy #nothinglikeacat has a friend in black (below).
Black Cat BagSee… even adding a party dress doesn’t make this any better. And in a truly scary twist of fashion genetics, there’s a kitten.

I’m reminded of the optician ad where the vet checks the heartbeat of a furry hat, thinking it’s a cat. Only, even the most short-sighted of vets could not mistake these for cats. They’re actually a bit gruelling to look at. However, IF you want one (I don’t know.. maybe there is a ironic uber-fash way to style these out….) details are below.
Pink Cat Bag £20 HERE
Black Cat Bag £20 HERE
Poor Kitten £4.99 HERE
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