Halloween Bags

Cat Bag
Cat Bag

Time for a bit of Friday fun… if you’re heading to a Halloween party, here’s something to frighten the living daylights out of everyone. Obviously, it’s just not a Halloween outfit without some Halloween Bags. I Instagrammed this yesterday without realising that #badtaxidermy #nothinglikeacat has a friend in black (below).

Black Cat Bag

See… even adding a party dress doesn’t make this any better. And in a truly scary twist of fashion genetics, there’s a kitten.

Kitten Bag
Kitten Bag

I’m reminded of the optician ad where the vet checks the heartbeat of a furry hat, thinking it’s a cat. Only, even the most short-sighted of vets could not mistake these for cats. They’re actually a bit gruelling to look at. However, IF you want one (I don’t know.. maybe there is a ironic uber-fash way to style these out….) details are below.

Pink Cat Bag £20 HERE

Black Cat Bag £20 HERE

Poor Kitten £4.99 HERE

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7 responses to “Halloween Bags”

  1. Oh my goodness I absolutely love these!!! I really want that black one, absolutely brilliant 🙂 xx

  2. I wanted these, until I remembered sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I can just imagine having these on my table STARING at me… I’d probably give myself nightmares!

  3. Love these, especially the pink one!!

  4. ailyn

    if the make the eyes green or glow in the dark i might consider them, for Halloween of course

  5. Stephanie

    HAHAHAHA! These are hilariously scary!


  6. Ali Harriman

    Not for me, but my five year old grand daughter would love those.

  7. Erm…that’s it, that’s all I have to say.

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