Because I caught a little sun while I was away last week, none of my foundations are the right colour, so I’ve delved deep into the make up drawer of shame and found my Guerlain Jolie Teint, which is exactly perfect for right now. In London we are in searing sun (unexpectedly) so SPF 20 is very handy. But, it’s a bit like shopping your own wardrobe but in a beauty product way – rediscovering old summer favourites. I’d forgotten how it smells of sun and summer and a little bit tropical. Texture wise, Guerlain Jolie Teint is BB-ish but definitely warms up the tone – I’m a shade Medium at the moment, but I think they’ve added a better shade selection since last year as there are now five. The best thing about it is that it doesn’t disappear at the first sign of a sweat (hey, it’s hot in the city and I challenge any woman to merely perspire on Oxford Street!). It’s £35.50 HERE.

At the same time, I’ve had a chance to see how the new Terracotta with a pop of colour to one side works. Although I’m indicated for the shade with the orange colour pop because I’m brunette, I found that the pink shade did really well on my tone – I did the usual 3 shape with a kabuki and then just did a sweep of the pink on the centre of my cheeks. This powder also has the signature Guerlain tropical scent to it, so no good if you don’t like, or can’t wear, scented products, but to me it’s absolute bliss. The entire effect was gently warming rather than full on bronzing – the ‘bonne mine’ effect and not the ‘week in the Seychelles’ look making it a wonderful transitioning product before we hit summer. You can find it HERE for £35.50 – but it’s going to see you through the entire season.
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